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"What the hell do you mean she left?" I used my Evil Queen voice. The doctor looked at me scared look.
"She passed the breathing test she wanted to go." He said in his defense.
"You don't let a 17 year old girl that almost got choked to death walk out of a hospital without an adult. Idiot!" I yelled. He flinched. I hadn't even been notified Adam and Eddie were.
"Calm down Lana." Eddie said setting a hand on my arm. I ripped it away.
"No I will not that girl might do something stupid. She needs to be found. You let her go to a town and didn't ask her what town?" I glared at all of them.
"I know where she's at." I turned around to see Jared holding his phone up to me.
"When did you get here?" I grabbed his phone to see a purple dot on a map that said Emilee was in Declara.
"About the same time you did." He
Stood there proud of his accomplishment. I smiled at him. The crew came in the doors with there partners.
"Let's get going shall we?" Ginny asked with a spring in her step. I grinned and turned to Adam and Eddie and raised my eyebrows as if to ask if they were in. The nodded and we all left to our cars and drove to Declara. Emilee you have no idea what I'm capable of.
I pulled up to a hotel it was pretty nice.
"You sure she's here?" I asked Jared who stuck out his bottom lip and nodded. I drove around the parking lot till I saw her jeep. Everyone one parked and meet at the front door.
"Ready? Everyone know the plan?" The all nodded. I walked in with Jared and went up to receptionist.
"Hi I'm looking for an Emilee Peterson? She told me she was staying here." I smiled my most convincing smile. She looked at me for a minute.
"I'm sorry no one by that name is staying with us tonight." I saw that she had rehearsed that line over and over. She was here all right. I decided to go with it.
"Right I must be at the wrong one then. Honey would you book about 5 rooms two bed in each please. For the week end." I smiled again. She looked shocked to my answer.
"Of course pet or not?" She started clicking away at her computer.
"Not please." I lifted my bag onto the top and zipped it open. I grabbed my wallet and pulled out my debt card. I handed it to her and she swiped it. I put it back in my wallet and she gave me the keys. I handed them to Jared who went back out side and gave the key to them pairing them up. While we were in here distracting the lady Josh, Colin, and Sean had snuck into the back. I took my key and walked to my room. Everyone else went to the designated rooms to prepare.

Jens POV
I had a friend hack into the system and they told me what room she was staying in. I put on my tuxedo and put my hair into a black wig. I fixed it. I then out bushy eyebrows on and wiggled them to see if they'd stay. I then put on a thin mustache and goat tee. I smiled at my self.
I left the room and went up the next to flights with a room service cart. Bailey was under it. We got to her room. I knocked and said room service in my most manly voice. A few minutes later she cracked the door a open. She studied me for a minute.
"Good evening you ordered ham?" She smiled and nodded. That's when I noticed she had been crying. She opened it all the way for me to push it all the way in. I walked in and she shut the door behind me. I smiled and set the player on the table. She came over and sat down. Bailey cuffed her leg to the chair in a spot which she can't undo.
"What the hell?" She jerked her leg. I bowed my head and left. She yelled after me. I proper the door open for Lana and went back down stairs ditching the cart.
"That was fun. I didn't know she knew that many cuss words." Bailey exclaimed fixing her hair. We both laughed at the angry Emilee Lana had to deal with.


Lana Parrilla 27Where stories live. Discover now