Chapter twenty three

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"I love you," I said, smiling cheekily up at him, he rubbed my shoulder, and brushed his cool lips down it, he brought his face up to me again.

"I love you too," Sam said and kissed my lips.


Hold up... Did I just say Sam?

I looked up at him and he started to laugh hysterically. I was pulled out of me dream and the real Sam was laughing in the corner. He was clutching his stomach and was now practically on the floor. He gasped for breath and held his hand up at me.

I waited.

"WHAT?!" I yelled and he calmed himself finally.

"Do you know how easy it is to get in your head?" He asked and started to laugh again.

I am trapped. In a mansion. With an idiot.

"How is that funny?" I asked... well... I practically screamed at him. He shrugged.

"Dunno' just is," He said and walked over to the shower, he turned and winked at me.

"Hey wanna take a shower?" He asked with a snigger. I rolled my eyes and chucked a pillow at him.

"If it has you in the equation... then no," I said flatly and his eyes flashed darker red.

"Now, you are my slave, you don't talk down to me!" He said menacingly and I hid a shiver that crept up my back. He went into the bathroom.

"I hate you, you sick bastard!" I mumbled.


Vampires can hear exceptionally well.

The door creaked open and a stone faced Sam appeared. Shit, shit, shit! Think for gods sake Danielle! He was in front of me in a flash. He grabbed the back of my neck and pushed my face to his, our lips millimetres apart.

"Say it again, go on, I dare you!" He sneered and I stood my ground. Come on Danielle, you can't let him win!

I took a deep breath and moved my lips to his ear.

"I. Hate. You. You. Sick. Bastard!" I emphasized and smiled even though he couldn't see it. I quickly pierced his neck and heard him yelp in pain. The coward. Well, I cried so I can't say much.

He laughed. and ran his hands through hair.

"You know what? I'm not going to bite you," He said and turned away and disappeared again.

"You're not?" I asked and sighed with relief. He came back an smiled and he had something behind his back. He smiled and clicked his fingers. I was pushed into a chair. When the hell did this get in here? Jake and Nathan had gloves on they strapped  some leather bands around my wrists and before I could flinch away the straps burnt my skin.

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