Chapter thirteen

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The clearing was quite large, hundreds of leaves were scattered along the ground, the wind slowly brushed them. He was fiddling with his jacket pocket and he pulled something out. He lowered himself in front of me and rested his weight on one knee. Oh god!

"Danielle Smith, even though I am completely wrong for you... Will you marry me?" He asked, looking at me with pure, childlike eyes. I stared at him, open mouthed. Oh shit! I haven't given my answer. I nodded and tears that I never knew were there spilled out and down my cheeks. I rushed towards him and he grabbed my hand sliding the diamond ring onto my finger. Blimey thats a big rock!

Josh laughed and laughed, running his hands through his hair. He was suddenly in front of me pinning me to the tree. He held his finger up,

"One taste, I just need one taste," He said, his eyes fixed on my neck. What the hell? He just proposed and now he's trying to feed from me?

"Josh, no! What are you doing?" I yelled at him, he laughed again.

"You stupid, stupid girl. And I thought you would realise soon enough!" He sneered, still chuckling to himself.

"What do you mean?" I asked him, what the fuck was he going on about?

"Dearest Danielle, had Josh never told you about me? Well he wouldn't would he? I have been forgotten from the family, but now I will claim my rightful place in the throne, with your help of course!" He said, what was he going on about, he IS Josh, he looks like him.

"No Danielle, I am not Josh." He added, looking sternly at me. I twisted the ring on my finger and threw it at his feet. No ring, no marriage! He smirked, "You really think that getting the ring will change anything? You have been marked by me, you are MINE! How's that scar by the way?" He asked and I felt around the back of my neck, all of it was burning except one spot by the top of my spine.

"After you say 'I do' the mark should have spread and you will be officially my Queen of Hell," He said and I flung myself at him, slapping him square in the face.

"I will not marry you, you complete and utter bastard!" I spat in his face and I stormed into the trees. "Fine, If you want Josh and Jenny's heart ten feet from their bodies then that's your call," He called after me and I stopped dead in my tracks, I glanced back at him and gave him my 'You wouldn't!' Look, he retorted with his 'Try me' look. I was suddenly sent into a flashback.

Josh turned my four year old body round, so that my back was facing him. I weird hissing noise came from him and something very sharp hit the back of my neck and it was dragged slowly to the left. I couldn't scream or fight, I just took in the pain.

He turned me back around so that I was facing him. One of his canine teeth was surprisingly long and sharp and it had a very small amount of red liquid stuck to it. He smiled and looked me straight in the eye.

"You will not tell anyone about this!" He commanded.

"I will not tell anyone," I repeated in a daze.

"No compulsion will unlock our secret," He said and again I repeated.

"No compulsion will unlock our secret," I said, slightly slurring the word 'compulsion'

"You tripped and a bit of wood went through your neck, it's all you remembered," He said softly to me.

"I tripped and I bit of wood went through my neck, It's all I remember," I repeated and closed my eyes. I opened them and he was gone.

"You!" I yelled at him. He smiled.

"Yes me! I marked you long ago and you being with me has only just made you remember. Shouldn't have kissed me Danielle, bad move, you've made it speed up." He said with another smirk. God I hate this guy! He gave me something in a bag and ushered me into a small cabin, hidden in the woods. I opened the bag and pulled out the contents. Oh he's got to be kidding me!

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