Chapter six

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There were no clothes in the room for me, so there I was, standing naked in the middle of the room. I couldn't wonder about and I didn't want to go back to sleep so I just sat on the bed with the covers around me. I looked outside the window from the bed, around the new house that was now my home there was a dense forest, almost all trees were golden like the sun.

Josh burst through the door with blood on his white shirt. He looked happy.

"I made the idiot pay" He said with a menacing smile. "Just a few bites to his neck sent him running.... the coward." He added. He looked at me, hidden under the covers. He disappeared and reappeared with clothing in his hands, he chucked it at me and I pulled the jeans and t-shirt on  in silence, luckily he didn't watch.

I tried to brush through my hair, but it was hard and stuck together. Josh came to my side and lead me towards the bathroom. He made me kneel over the bath and he turned on the taps.

"You need me to wash your hair, I don't want you getting soap into the cut in your neck, my blood didn't heal it completely, it was a powerful whip, they use special magic on it." He said while soaking my hair with water. I saw the water instantly turn red, my stomach turned at the smell of it.

"You don't like the smell of blood?" Josh guessed. I nodded and he massaged my head with shampoo, it made my nausea go away. He rinsed my hair and wrapped it in a towel. "All better now?" He asked and I nodded. He scooted me over to the bed again and sat me down. He looked me long and seriously in the eyes, did his pupils go huge then small again? Must be the lighting....

"Where did you get the scar from at the back of your neck?" He asked in a odd demanding voice. I felt my mouth open and words that I didn't plan to say spilt out.

"I fell when I was little and a bit of wood went through the back of my neck, it left me with a scar." I mumbled uncontrollably. What was wrong with me? He looked at me, his eyes looking at me back and forth. He stepped backwards and I felt like I could breathe again. He pushed me down on the bed and I landed with a soft plop on it.

"You need to rest, I'll bring you up something to eat." He said softly and exited the room. I never really realised how comfortable this bed actually was, my eyelids fluttered and eventually shut, making my world pain-free and dark.

Josh's POV:

I came back into the room to find her sleeping on the bed, she looked so peaceful, like an angel. "Josh! You can't think them things, you can't fall for her, she is your servant nothing else, if you're father found out you were loving her he would drive a stake through your heart without even thinking!" My annoying voice in my head rambled on, seriously, why do I even have a voice in my head?

I laid the sandwich on the bedside table, she could eat it if she wakes. I was still curious about her scar, I had only seen one in the same place and the same ragged line like hers before, but she told me it was when she was little. My compulsion will have worked, every one knows about my compulsion, I can tell anyone to tell me their deepest secrets, even a strong vampire, it helps to be over 700 years old as well. 

Danielle stirred in her sleep she started to mumble and a tear escaped from her eye. I layed down on the bed next to her and brushed the small, wet lock of hair from her face.

"Please take me home, I want to go home!" She cried out, taking me by suprise, tears were flowing out of her closed eyes. I stroked her face and looked at her thoughts.

She was thinking about her room, I guessed, it was pink and very girly. She was imagining herself walking into another room, where two people were, I guessed that they were her parents. Her dad was average size, but he had a face like stone. Danielle was a spitting image of her mum, brown curly locks and brown eyes. The scene changed and she was in a room with her father, he was shouting abuse at her, we had something in common, an abusive father.  He was ripping up what seemed like books, they were red and black and I could just pick out some of the letters falling to the ground, A, P, M, I ,R, V, E - Vampire. I don't think she was expecting how different vampires in books and reality are. Bram Stoker was close, but not exact. Danielle started to sob, and she sat bolt upright, opening her eyes, she looked around the room, panting, her eyes then focused on me, I smiled  and she started to hyperventilate. I looked at her with worried eyes, what was wrong with her, most people who have had nightmares may wake up crying, but not go into shock and hyperventilate! "Shh!" I hushed her, and I wrapped my arms around her. Her breathing quickened still and I brushed her damp hair with my hand, she was shaking from head to toe.

"Danielle, look at me, look at me, shh! It's okay!" I tried to calm her, but her breathing became faster, how was that even possible? She edged away from me, and climbed off the bed, she walked backwards to the window, her breathing was making her whole body move. The fear was wiped from her eyes and he breathing finally started to slow. I slowly walking up to her, trying not to startle her. When I was inches from her, her eyes rolled and she became limp. I picked her up in my arms and carried her to my bed. Well, I guess she's spending the night with me.

Yeah, sorry the chapters short, couldnt think of another paragraph :L

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