Chapter nineteen

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This is it. Nobody was holding me back...

I grabbed the stake he had chucked to the side and positioned myself.

"Then let us fight!" Zach bellowed, before he could pounce on Josh I shoved the stake hard through his back and through his stomach.  He moaned and slumped to the ground.

"You tortured me," I growled and shoved it in further, "Tormented me," I yanked it back out,

"And made me love you!" I screamed and shoved it through his chest, he gasped, yep, pretty sure I had hit a lung. He grabbed my neck and with a feeble effort he pushed me down, still holding my neck.

"How?" He asked, and gasped.

"You really didn't get my phone call? I thought it was obvious!" I laughed and took the stake out and shoved it back into his shoulder, blood was spurting everywhere, Josh came up behind him and took him from me and shoved him on the ground,

"Who's the smarter one now, brother? I figured out what she was saying in the phone call within five minutes, but it has took you days!" He spat at  Zach who was whimpering on the floor, he kicked him in the face and there was a sickening crack, neck broken. I stepped over him,

"Didn't you notice how I exaggerated the words in the phone call? I...!" I said to him and put my foot on his chest and leaned my whole weight on it.

"How can you? I compelled you and marked you!" He moaned.

"You may have marked me, but one thing you can't kill is true love, buddy!" I yelled at him and grabbed the stake. I took off my ring and threw it at him.

"Our marriage is over!" I yelled and shoved the stake straight through his heart. His face turned to stone and it looked like it had cracks in. I ran up to Josh and hugged him,

"I missed you!" I cried into his neck, he looked at me and jumped back in shock,

"Your eyes... you're a vampire!" He yelled disgusted, I nodded,

"I know, he turned me, and Josh, I'm sort of having a baby," I whispered and pointed to my bump, he laughed,

"You think I don't know? When you slept when you were healing I did everything I could to make sure that no one but me could get you pregnant, I'm surprised you didn't notice you had IVF," He said, making my mouth pop into an 'O' shape.


"You're heavily pregnant, vampire pregnancy only shows at the last few days, so you could pop any day now," He laughed and picked me up, I kissed him passionately on the lips and he returned it. I glanced upwards to see Louis, John and the girl smiling at me. Josh pulled me over to them,

"Danielle, this is Ruby, she's my oldest friend," He said and I smiled at her, she smiled back, flashing her brilliant white teeth.

"Shall we go?" They all asked and I nodded, leaving Zach's bloody body on the floor. Ah, the maids will clean it up.

We got outside to the Porche and I got in, I missed the smell of a car, considering I had been cooped up for so long in that damn house. Seriously you have no idea how hard it was not to think of Josh for that long. John was driving, with Louis in the front, me, Josh and Ruby in the back.

"I have everything ready in here, just in case something happens," He said and pointed to the medical bag on the floor, I could see towels, and surgical instruments. Shit! I hope my baby's birth isn't like it is in Twilight. I'm not very good with pain... In agreement my baby kicked me, a bit to hard, a put a hand on my stomach and breathed heavily.

"Are you okay?" He asked me and I nodded.

"Just kicking," I replied, why couldn't I convince myself? I rested my head on Josh's shoulder and he wrapped his warm arms around me, it felt so real, I pinched myself, yep I'm not dreaming. My eyelids closed and I drifted to sleep in Josh's arms, they way it's supposed to be.


Josh's Point Of View:

She drifted off to sleep, I could hear the baby's heart fluttering in time with hers, I really should have thought this through a lot more, now she's a vampire our baby is turning into a full vampire instead of half human. That means double the strength. I shook the negative thoughts out of my head.

"Having doubts?" Ruby's voice sounded in my head, she had a gift of putting her mind in other peoples, she could read their thoughts like all vampires, but she can persuade people to do what she want's without talking. It's like compulsion but hers is stronger.

"No!" I shot out in my head, knowing she could read it. She sighed,

"I know you are, I can see it!" She sung the last part in my head,

"Stay out of my mind!" I retorted back at her and she did. Danielle stirred in my arms, but didn't wake.

"Get away from me!" She screamed, making everyone in the car jump, John looked in the mirror to see what was going on. I tried to look through her mind but it was blocked, I shot a look at Ruby, who's face was scrunched up in concentration. Obviously she was having a hard time to.

"I'll get up! I promise, don't do this to me!" She screamed and jolted awake. She was panting and looked terrified, I held her shoulder, she turned to me and fear shot through her,

"I got up, don't do it please!" She begged and I hugged her, she winced at my touch. He did something to her.

"Shh, Danielle, it's me, it's Josh, Zach's dead he can't hurt you!" She cried even harder at my words.

"Yes he can, he's in my dreams and I keep reliving it!" She sobbed harder against my chest.

"What did he do?" I asked her and she steadied herself.

"I wouldn't get up so he poured rose perfume on me and then when I couldn't move he dropped me in a bath full of rose water and he weighed me down and left me for four hours!" She cried and a growl escaped my throat, the bastard! I wish I had killed him! I soothed her and her breathing became softer and her sobs died off, she was gripping my shirt so tight. Every now and again her crying fits would return, mostly after she slept. Her stomach growled and I made a slit with my finger nail at the base of my throat  and blood trickled out, I positioned her head and she began to drink. She was more gentle than I thought she would be, obviously her being vicious was an act, she didn't even pierce my skin! Half way through drinking she fell sound asleep, I wiped the small trail of blood from her lips, her cheeks were flushed for a minute and then they drained away, she looked weaker than ever. The baby was taking the blood. I wanted to take it out so much, it was obviously hurting her, but If  vampire baby comes out before it's meant to then it can rip the mother to shreds. I brushed her hair away from her face and watched her sleep soundlessly.

Aw the meanie is dead and they are together :') Sorry the chapters aren't very long - I try and write loads but I feel the need to stop in some places. ;D Thanks again for over 1,000 views! ♥

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