Chapter nine

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He was pinning me against the wall, his lips trying to force mine open. I just stood there, my heart was screaming at me to go for it but my head was saying "Get this vampire off of me!" I tensed my whole body and opened my eyes, he stopped and looked at me.

"Are you done?" I asked while he was gasping for breath. He nodded and released my arms, I swung my hand and slapped him round the face again. He looked just as shocked as the last time.

"I hate you, don't try that on me again!" I yelled at him and grabbed a pillow from his bed.

"What are you doing?" He asked, still holding his cheek.

"I'd rather sleep on the floor than with you!" I screamed at him, I threw the pillow on the floor and lied down. He sighed and got into his bed. After ten minutes I wished I was in the bed, this floor was so uncomfortable! I tossed and turned until I found the most comfortable position; on my side with my knees brought up to my chest. I felt my eyes close and darkness embraced me.

Josh's POV:

I pretended to be asleep until she was asleep. I was searching through her head for some indication that she was asleep. When it was all blank I tiptoed out of the bed.

She looked like and angel when she slept, she was curled into a ball, her brown locks cascaded on the pillow behind. I went down on my knees and gently dug my hands underneath her. I paused and searched her thoughts again, making sure she wasn't awaking. After the all clear I gently set her down on the bed and pulled the covers over her. I got in the other side and stared at her for hours. She moved after about two hours, exposing her neck. I could see through the darkness the flow of blood pounding there. Resist it, resist it! I could feel my fangs sinking slowly down from my gums. I calmed myself and they shrunk back to normal size. I went closer to her, resisting the temptation to kiss her all over, and whispered in her ear,

"I'm so sorry, but I love you. I'll never let you go. I'm completely wrong for you but I need you. Please love me back," I felt tears at the back of my eyes, I loved her so much and she hates me. I leaned even closer and kissed her very lightly on the lips, making sure not to wake her. She turned her head even more to the right and her scar was exposed. The sight of it brought horrible memories back. It can't be, she told me that it was when she was little, it just looks the same, it's a coincidence. It has to be. I moved further away and fell asleep, thinking only of her.

Danielle's POV:

When I woke I was expecting to be in some awkward position and aching like hell. But the strange thing I wasn't. I glanced around and I looked higher up than the floor. Wait a second... I'm on his frickin' bed! I looked round at him, he was sitting propped up by pillows and he was looking at me,

"Mornin'," He said in a sing-song voice. Ignore him Danielle. I got up out of the bed and walked into the shower. I locked the door and switched it on. It immediately turned hot.. I chucked off my pyjamas and jumped in. The warm water soothed my body as it trickled down me. I grabbed some random shampoo from the side and started to rub it into my hair, it smelled fruity, I think it was pinapple. I reluctantly got out of the shower after I washed everything. I wrapped a black towel around me and looked for my clothes. Which weren't there.

"Oh great one, leave them outside Danielle!" I muttered to myself. I unlocked the door, Josh wasn't there, thank god, I don't need to embarass myself anymore! I grabbed the clothes and made my way back into the bathroom; just incase he came back. I locked the door and the shower turned on. Shit. I turned around to see a naked Josh in the shower.

"Oh my god!" I yelled and turned the other way. I could tell he was smirking behind me. I tried to unlock the door but it was bolted shut. Crap. He laughed behind me.

"Danielle I just want to talk to you," He said in a soft voice.

"And you couldn't do that clothed?" I asked, he just laughed harder. His wet hands hugged me round my waist and he was pulling me backwards.

"No! No way! I just had a shower!" I yelled, holding onto the door handle. My feet came completely off of the floor and he was tugging me.

"Let go!"

"Never!" I yelled back.

"Are you ticklish by any chance." Oh the bastard.

"Don't you dare!" I yelled, glancing back at him. He was wearing shorts now, thank god! He wiggled his fingers and I started to laugh and squirm and eventually let go of the handle. He pushed me into the large shower, my clothes became clingy and wet. I glared at him, I think the expression 'If looks could kill' comes to mind.

He walked towards me and I could immediately see what was on his mind. He was going to try and kiss me again. He mouthed please at me and my insides felt like they were on fire. The voice in my head died away and now only my heart was telling me what to do. I walked over to him, closing the distance between us. I reached up on my tiptoes and kissed him softly on the lips. He broke away and smiled, as he brought his head back down to mine. He kissed me roughly and I wound my hands in his hair and around his neck. His hands traced all up my back and he lightly lifted me up while kissing me. The hot droplets of water ran down both of our bodies, it made me shiver. Josh pulled away and looked at me with happy eyes.

"Now that should have been our first kiss," He whispered, and I smiled even though I shouldn't be loving him I couldn't help it. He was perfect.

After drying off and putting on new clothes we both sat down on the bed, actually he ran over to me and pushed me on the bed. I laughed and he smiled over me.

"What?" I asked, he looked like he had something on his mind.

"Say it," He said looking at me with his smouldering red eyes.

"Hmm... let me think. No!" I said and hid under the covers.When I peeked out he was looking at me with puppy dog eyes and his bottom lip was sticking out in a pouting position.

"Pwetty pwease!" He whined like a baby.

"No!" I said and jumped out of bed. My stomach growled, I hadn't eaten in days. Just as my stomach growled John came in the room with a tray, it was filled with bacon, eggs and sausages.

"Breakfast for the human," he said and winked at me, I grabbed it from him and before I could say thanks he was gone. Why do vampires always act like they're in a rush? I started to chuck the contents of the tray down my throat, not coming up for air once... What? I was hungry!

He laughed and I shoved a piece of bacon in his open mouth. He chewed it gracefully and swallowed, smiling all the time. His face looked so cute when he smirked. Oh god, now I sound like one of those lovey-dovey teenagers. I quickly kissed his smiling mouth.

"Fine, I love you!"

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