Chapter two

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My eyelids fluttered open, and I could immediately feel and see that I was in a car. Mum and Dad must be taking me somewhere. I felt my hair being stroked and a familiar voice spoke out loud,

"Looks like sleeping beauty's waking up guys!" He yelled softly, his and two other mens laughter followed. I started to recall what happened last night. They kidnapped me! I sat up suddenly, the men obviously thought my expression was amusing and laughed. I started to scream,


"No body will hear you, Danielle. So don't try." The man driving said firmly to me, I think his name was Sam. How did he know my name? I glanced to my side, I realised that the man to my left was Jake, and to my right was Nathan. Jake had brown spiky hair and Nathan had white blonde spiky hair. They both had the same colour skin, and they both had piercing red eyes.

"You better let me go! Otherwise, I'll.. I'll smack you so hard." I yelled. They all laughed and glanced down at my wrists, which were bound together with rope. I sighed. That plan failed.

"You better keep a more civilized tongue around us, Missy. Or we will be the ones smacking you." Sam retorted back.

"Go to hell." I muttered at him. The car came to a sudden halt. Sam got out of the front seat and opened the back one. "Out." He commanded. I stayed where I was. He grabbed my bound hands tightly and forcefully yanked me out of the car. 

"You will never tell me what to do, or what to say. Otherwise you'll be wishing you were in hell, because it's a lot nicer than where you're going to be!" He thrust me back in the car and started to drive again. After a few minutes I began to realise how hungry and thirsty I was, I haven't had any food or water for at least twenty four hours. I felt a small object land on my lap. It was a carton of orange juice. There was no way in hell I was going to drink anything he had given me.

"Force it down her throat and use the pressure points in the neck to make her swallow." Sam commanded from the front. Jake grabbed me from behind, and swiveled me around so that I was facing Nathan, Jake put one arm around my chest and grasped onto my shoulder and with his other hand he pinched the sides of my mouth, making it open and making me look like a chipmunk. Nathan shoved the straw into my mouth and squeezed the carton, it immediately didn't taste of orange. I realised they were trying to drug me. I squirmed and wrestled in Jake's lock but to no avail.

"Shh." He cooed. as I started to struggle more. Nathan put his arm around me and reached for the back of my neck. He applied pressure to three different point and I swallowed. Damn it! I suddenly felt my eyes closing and I slumped against Jake's chest.

"Damn it! We picked up a light one, Sam. can't take too much out of this one!" Jake yelled. I felt myself stirring awake. Did he mean me? I felt myself swaying side to side and then I was put down on a soft surface, which I assumed was a bed. I opened my eyes and saw three men standing over me.

"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!" I screamed at them. They didn't budge they just stared at me. Sam moved closer to the bed and slowly sat down. I was going to back away from him, but that wouldn't really show my courage.

"Danielle. You will obey each one of our orders, you shall address us as Master. You do not have your own bedroom, as you will be sleeping in each of our beds each night." He winked at me, I just glared back.

"You shall sleep with me Monday, Thursday and Sunday. You will sleep with Nathan on Tuesdays and Fridays. And you will sleep with Jake on Wednesdays and Saturdays." Sam commanded, he edged closer to me,

"If you do not do as we say we will chuck you in the dungeon with our.. pet. Are we clear?"

I gulped, "Crystal."

"Good, now you will be branded."

"WHAT?" I snapped. Branded? Isn't that something that they do to cows? I hadn't realised Nathan had left the room until he walked in with a tattooing instrument. He handed it to Sam, who turned it on. It made a horrible buzzing noise. Sam pressed it too the skin on my wrist and I yelped in pain. He was done in a flash and I glanced down at my now red puffy wrist, it had five, black words on it.

Sam's, Nathan's and Jake's Property.

"You tattooed me?" I exploded. I stared open mouthed at Sam. I felt my anger welling up inside of me.

"Now all we have to do now is-"

"NO! I am not being your slave. I am certainly not sleeping with any of you and I am not being held in any dungeon!" I yelled at the top of my voice. The three just stared at me, I was obviously the first to back-chat them. I was suprised when Nathan grabbed me by the neck and pushed me up agianst the wall.

"Listen here you little bitch, You will do what we want, when we want and you WILL NOT moan about it-" He yanked me further up the wall, so my feet were dangling off of the ground. I started to choke.

"If we catch you trying to do anything against us we will Killer on you and see how your precious body looks after he's done with you, are we clear?" I felt the last few breaths of oxygen escape from my lungs.

"Are we clear?" He yelled once more, I manages to mouth yes to him, but of course, it wasn't good enough for him.

"YES WHAT?" He snapped in my face, he let me down and I gasped, clutching my throat, I breathed heavily and stood up straight.

"Yes, Master." I said through gritted teeth. Still clutching my neck. Nathan and Jake left the room, leaving me with him. He chucked me a sandwich and I turned my nose up at it, no way was he going to drug me again.

"It's not drugged. You need to eat." I was pretty hungry, so I digged in. It was chicken mayo salad., my favourite. Sam chucked a black silk night gown at me with lace  garters. He jabbed his finger in the direction of the bathroom. I hurried in there, at least I would have some time alone. I slipped on the nightie and garters, feeling like a complete slut.

I walked out to find him topless, lying on the bed with his hands behind his head. I walked over to him, without saying a word.  He began to stroke my arm, "Oh, how I love my girls in silk." He whispered in my ear. I edged away from him, I wasn't used to having a man so close to me.

"You know what Danielle?" His voice was soft and velvety. I slowly shook my head.

"I am awfully hungry." He whispered and he sank his teeth deep into my neck.

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