Chapter seventeen

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"Tell me what is wrong with my wife!"

"I told you I need to do some more tests!" The voice was cut off and a horrible choking sound was after it.

"Hurry....up!" Zach's voice spat at the person in the room, I could hear footsteps then nothing.

"Zach?" I mumbled and his hands found me straight away. He placed something cool on my forehead which I now realised was burning hot. My eyelids fluttered open but nothing reached my eyes.

"I can't see!" I whispered  patting my hands around until I found Zach's body.

"Zach I can't see!" I cried and I tried to open my eyelids further, just to make sure that they were actually open.

"Doctor!" He yelled and someone ran in, and there were several other footsteps behind his.

"She can't see!" He yelled and I could feel the heat of a light in my open, non-seeing eyes.

"I don't get it, her eyes are reacting normally!" He said and I screamed as something in my stomach lurched. I was forced onto my back with the pain and suddenly at least 5 pairs of hands were on me. As a second jolt of pain went through me I could see again.

"I can see.... but.... OW!" I screamed as something heavy pounded against the inside of my stomach.

"It's impossible!"

"It can't be!"

"What?" I screamed at them I glanced down at my stomach, which was slowly swelling to the size of a football.

"I'm pregnant!" I yelled, furious.  There was silence and then someone sighed.

"Yes, you are. But I'm not sure whether it is a half human half vampire or a full vampire." The doctor said.

"Now I feel like I'm in Twilight!" I mumbled.  The pain died and doctor turned to Zach.

"I need to wait till she gives birth, and I don't know when that is. If I try to tell what it is now she and the baby could die," He said and walked out of the room, his nurses and helpers followed. Zach dabbed my forehead. All I could think about was who the father was. I hope it was Zach.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, cradling me

"I've been better," I said looking down at my bump and laughing he chuckled and held me tighter.

"Do you want anything?" He asked and I sighed.

"Yes! I want to walk around!" I yelled and with all my strength, broke free of his grip.

"I really don't think that's a good idea Danielle!" He said getting up from the bed.

"That is why you are coming with me!" I yelled storming out of the room and down the grand staircase. I yanked open the front door to find thousands of people outside, all vampires. They cheered when they saw me, and when their eyes flicked to my bump some gasped, others cheered louder. Zach came out and they cheered even more so, he cleared his throat and announced,

"Tomorrow night there will be a ball, in celebration of our new baby!" He yelled and the audience roared. Wait... how did he know he was the father? We went back inside and already the house staff were preparing the house for the party. Several girls and boys were on chairs outside having blood drawn from them and into big containers, I suspected that was also for the party. I grabbed a glass of blood from the passing waiter and sipped it elegantly.

"When did you become so classy?" Zach asked and I shrugged,

"Since I've been married to you," I said, kissing him on the cheek.


Josh's point of view:


"You did what?" John, Louis and Ruby's voice mixed into one for the hundredth time.

"I told you!" I called after them grabbing a glass of blood from a passing waiter and sipping it gracefully. Ruby sighed and walked over to me, snatching my glass away from me.

"When did you get so classy and calm?" She scoffed. I just smiled to myself.

"Remind me again, how the hell is this going to work?" Louis said, he may be only one hundred and fifty but surely he should have a bit more knowledge.

"You'll know the information at the last minute." I emphasized, still smiling.

Zach's Point of view:


 I set her down on the bed, she was like a fucking baby! You feed her, she falls asleep. I wish I'd been a bit more careful when picking her out when she was little. She was beautiful yes, but I felt nothing for her.


So Zach feel nothing for her, she's pregnant, Josh is planning something and I will not tell you what ;D Mwuhahaha :D ♥

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