Chapter twelve

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I tapped my fingers impatiently on the doors, seats and basically about everything my fingers could reach. What? I didn't like long car journeys! I glanced at Josh, he still hadn't said a word since the last time I asked... Better ask again.

"Are we there yet?" I whined for the seventeenth time and before he opened his mouth I already knew what the answer was.

"No!" He half yelled. Jeez! Someone's tetchy! I could see a McDonald's sign coming up and we turned into it. Really? This was our 'adventure'? I got out of the car and curled over in pain. My back, legs and neck ached like hell! Josh was at my side in a instant.

"Calm down! I just ache! And can you stop with the whole vampire flashy by your side at an instant thing?" I yelled at him, making a few people stare. Oops. He looked like he was going to slap me but he muttered something and composed himself. Was I that annoying?

He ordered me a cheese burger and a sprite. I excused myself to the bathroom while he waited. I checked under each door to see if anyone was in here. Coast is clear. I chucked my hair aside and tried to get a glimpse of my scar. Oh my god! It was red, and puffy and... oh shit! Part of it was turning black! I let my hair fall over it when the door opened and an elderly lady walked in. I dashed outside to Josh, sitting there with my meal. He looked at me with bright red eyes.

"Everything alright?" He asked. I glanced around, this place was packed.

"I'll tell you in the car," I muttered, knowing he could hear me. I dug into my burger, it tasted different, but that's what you get for McDonald's processed meat.

After I finished I wobbled to the car, my eyesight was blurring and the room was spinning. I felt so sick! I grabbed onto the railing outside. Josh's hands grabbed me from underneath and I was set down in his car. He pulled the seat belt around me and got in the other side. Not saying a word. The pain in my neck was unbearable. I fought the urge to scream and I realised as my eyes were shutting I needed to tell him... Oh whatever I tell him when I wake up....


Danielle's Dream:

I stared at the man with innocent eyes. My mum was nowhere to be seen. Josh moved closer to me and whispered in my ear.


"Now Danielle can you do me a favour?" He asked, his voice was like velvet, so soft and so addicting. I nodded and he pulled my hair from my neck.


"Stay very still."


Josh's POV:

My hands were wound tightly around the steering wheel. I focused on the road. I had more time to think when she was sleeping. I pressed my foot harder on the pedal as we headed for home.

Danielle's POV:

My eyelids fluttered open and we were on a small country road, my head was spinning as I tried to sit up more. Josh was staring at me when I looked at him, he wasn't looking at the road and yet he was driving so perfectly!

"Bad dream?" He asked and kissed me on the cheek. "I'll make the bad dreams go away," He whispered sending shivers down me. He pulled over into a lane which I think your not aloud to stop in, but who cares? He was about to say something but I pounced on him, kissing him passionately on the lips.

"OW! JOSH GET OFF!" I yelled as my scar burned even more, he pulled my hair back and put his cold hand on my scar, which didn't help. "Stop Josh, stop!" I yelled but his hand didn't pull away.

"Josh you're hurting me, STOP!" I yelled and started to cry as the searing pain went on. He finally pulled his hands away and I gasped for breath. He got out of the car and pulled me with him, and he ran with me into the trees. Well technically I didn't run with him, I just sort of held onto him and flew through the air...



Josh's POV:

I parked my car outside, it would be easier to run, it's much quicker. We ran into the trees and I could see it in the distance. Yes!

I burst through the doors, Louis and John were already there.

"Well? Where is she?" I asked, and their faces looked stunned.

"Josh, you took her..." Louis said, still looking shocked. Oh shit!

"No I didn't, oh god... It's him." I said, furiously brushing my hair with my hands. Ruby was at my side, she was my oldest friend, I could talk to her about everything. She looked worringly at me.

"Josh, what's wrong?" She asked, placing he delicate hand on my shoulder, I shook it off and looked at her.

"Ruby, it's him... He's got her!"



So a bit confused, to be honest so am I, I sort of write this story as it pops into my head. So I'm guessing the main questions you are thinking are...

1) What the f*** just happened?!

2) Wait.. who has Danielle?

3)What's up with that freaky scar?!


Well.. I know the answers to all of them questions.. obviously... But you will have to wait even though I am soo tempted to write for hours ;D Stay tuned! ♥


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