Chapter seven

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Danielle's POV:

I woke up to a dark room, all I could remember was that I had a bad dream and passed out, my dream was about my home, and my dad, but there was something else that I couldn't actually remember. Whatever it was it scared the hell out of me. I sat upright and looked around the room, I couldn't see a thing. I swung my leg over the side of the bed and a cool hand held my leg. Shit! A light flashed on a Josh's fae appeared from the darkness, I screamed and hid under the covers.

"Someone's a bit jumpy!" He chuckled, well I'm sorry when you wake up you don't always expect a vampire to switch on a torch and scare the hell out of you. "How are you feeling?"He asked, stroking my cheek. I slapped his hand away and started to scream at him.

"How am I feeling? I just got whipped at a slave auction, bought by you, sexually assaulted before that and I WANT TO GO HOME!" I emphasized the last bit... if you couldn't tell. He grabbed my arm and pulled me closer to him.

"I know you have been through a lot, but, that gives you no right to shout, scream or lash out at me." He said, looking me seriously in the eyes. I felt white hot anger flood over me and I spat in his face.

"Fuck you!" I yelled at him, while storming out of the room, I glanced behind and he was nowhere, when my face was turned back around he was there. He swiftly grabbed my arm in a bone-crushing hold. I gave him my 'yeah you're crushing my bones but i'm not giving in' look. I was about to open my mouth to scream some more abuse at him when he clamped his hand over my mouth.

"Please stop trying to scream, you will wake the whole house up," I bit down hard on the palm of his hand, trying to get away but he just stood there looking at me with a bored expression that said 'Are you done yet?' I released my jaws and he pulled me up and over his shoulder. Before I had time to kick and scream we were in a dark room that smelled of blood. I remembered it was the place I was first brought to. Josh set me down and locked the iron gates. He lit some torches and the place was immediately luminated. I could see chains and a separate cage in the corner, there was a dark shadow in the cage and it shifted. I saw two golden eyes staring at me.

"What is in there?" I asked Josh, he appeared with some water, brushes and sponges. He raised his eyebrows and pointed to the thing in the corner.

"That? That is Shadow. My werewolf." He said and opened the gate to it's cage. "You will be cleaning her pen out, as well as the rest of the dungeon. Don't worry she wont bite you, she's very timid. Werewolves fear vampires so I can never get near her. We've never tried her with a human but might as well give it a shot!" He said while pushing me into her cage. Shadow whimpered and huddled even more in the corner. I could see now that she was the size of a small horse, she was much smaller than Killer. The thought of him sent shivers down my spine. I looked around and Josh had gone. There was a large piece of meat by the door. I grabbed it and held it towards Shadow. Her pained golden eyes stared at me and she sniffed the meat. Her jaws carefully clamped down on it and she patiently waited for me to let go of the other end. I let go and she dipped her head in appreciation. She had something about her that was almost human. I grabbed the sponges and started to work while she ate. I scrubbed the floor and the walls which were covered in mud, blood and god knows what else.

After I had done the floor around her I beckoned her to move.

"Come on Shadow, I need to clean where your sitting, come on girl!" I said while gesturing, she shook her head and looked upwards, there was chains up to the ceiling and they all linked to each one of her paws. I grabbed the chains and pulled, it looked like a loose knot at the top it should come away easily. And sure enough they fell out of the hoop at the top. I opened the gate of her pen and she ran out, at least she could run about while I cleaned. I glanced to the spot where she had been, it was full of old, new and disintegrated bones. Had no one cleaned this pen out before?

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