Chapter one: Never sneak out on Halloween

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OKAY - WARNING! This book will contain details on tortue scenes. so don't moan, I've warned you.

Yeah I know Odette Yutsman looks a bit older than fifteen/sixteen but who cares?! 

NEW NOTE (14/09/12) - I am editing the whole book so if you've read it before or are halfway through - I haven't edited at all and I'm hoping to make the chapters longer :) Thank you :)


My name is Danielle Smith. I am coming up for my sixteenth birthday, but this year I wont be spending it with my family. I was born on October 31st, Halloween, the night where all evil come out to make their fortune, abducting humans. I was captured and sold when on my fifteen birthday. My father is the reason I got captured, he told me to stop fooling around with fantasy and go to hell. I did.


I stirred from a peaceful sleep, my bed was all warm and comfy, but I realised that I needed to get out of bed. It was my fifteenth birthday. I grabbed my pink fluffy dressing gown, my bunny slippers and headed downstairs. Three tiny packages sat on the table with a note taped to it.

Happy Birthday Danielle!

I hope you have an amazing day sweetie, your father will be calling you later and we will be home at 10pm. Sorry hun.

Mum x

Another day on my own, but I realised that if they didn't work, they didn't pay the bills. I ripped open the wrappings and found a ruby red necklace, and two vampire books. I squealed at the books, I am a huge vampire fan. I ran upstairs and opened the first book. Huge torrents of wind gushed through my windows, making my papers and essays fly everywhere. I struggled with the window which wouldn't budge. Through the wind I heard someone whispering in my ear. I turned on the spot.. No one was there.

"Come out, come out into the night, seek us in the night, we will seek you." The voice whispered and I felt my consciousness slip away from me.

Ring ring. Ring ring. I awoke to the annoying sound of the phone ringing. It was dark outside, I rushed to the phone, and checked the caller ID. DAD.


"DANIELLE SMITH! I HAVE CALLED THIS HOUSE FIVE TIMES!" My dad's voice roared down the phone. I held the phone away from me, still hearing his yells.

"I'm sorry, I overslept." I pleaded with him, but my dad has a short temper. Then I looked at the clock , how did I over sleep till now - it was 9:50pm. I tried to recall what had happened after opening the presents but I was drawn a blank. I was shocked back to my senses by my father's booming voice.


"YES I WAS, AND THANK YOU FOR THE BOOK DAD!" I screamed down the phone at him, ignoring his last question. His voice got quieter and my ears jumped with joy.

"Book? What are you on about. I paid for the necklace, with my good earned money, what books?"

"The two vampire boo-"


I slammed the phone down. I hated it when people told me what to do, I could never keep my temper, I guess you could say I got it from my dad. Tears started to stream down my face. Fine! If he want's me to go to hell, I will. I ran into my room, wiping the tears from my eyes, and grabbed my rucksack. I thrust the books into it, and some spare clothes. I checked the clock 9:57pm, crap, they would be home soon!

The window on the east side of my room was fairly big, luckily I was skinny so I managed to slide through it and onto the flat roof outside. We had no back garden, just a front. If I could climb down the drainpipe and onto the big oak tree outside I would be in the forest. I started to climb downwards, hearing it creak and wobble. My foot finally found a branch and I held on for dear life. I shimmied and shuffled praying that every creak it made wouldn't be the last thing I heard. I kept going until I was low enough to jump off.

  I wandered into the dark, threatening forest. After five minuted of walking I could feel the cold October wind raging down my windpipe, making me shiver. My feet made the crisp leaves crunch beneath them, Crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch-crunch. I stopped in my tracks, hoping I had heard it wrong. But I didn't there were footsteps behind me. I spun around to see a dark figure standing in front of me. I could see it was a male, and he had short spiky hair, of what colour I didn't know.

"Hey, where's your costume?" He called to me, I didn't answer. I cautiously stepped backwards and felt something hard underneath my foot. Please let it be a rock, please let it be a rock. I glanced down, and the 'rock' was black and shiny.

"Boo!" The person behind me whispered in my ear. I screamed, edging away from him, but trying not to get to close to the other man. I felt a wave of courage rush through me, I suppose the adrenaline caused that.

"Leave me alone, and by the way where's your costumes?" I questioned the first guy. He chuckled, it was mean and it reminded me of one of the villains you see in a horror movie.

"We don't need to wear costumes, but you'll figure out soon enough what we are. My name is Jake, that's Nathan." I could see his head nod forward in the dim light, pointing to the man behind me.

"Sam should be here soon with the car." And as soon as he said it, I could hear a cars purr, becoming louder and louder. I didn't even think you could get cars round the forest. I saw a beautiful black porche come into view. I was too busy gawking at it and didn't realised Nathan getting closer to me. I felt a soft material slot into my open mouth. Before I realised what was happening I felt a thud on my head. I felt myself being carried by one of the men and before they put me in the car, I saw my house lights flick on in the distance. They wouldn't know where I am. I felt myself drift into an unnatural sleep.

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