Sneak Peek

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I woke up, ran straight to the bathroom and threw up. This is the worst morning sickness ever. I felt over in August's spot but he wasn't there. He's probably at the studio. I stretched and went downstairs looking in the kitchen for something to eat. My phone started ringing and it was Stephen.

Young Boy😚🍼: Hey Beautiful.

Me: Hey Lil Boy.

Young Boy😚🍼: Aye I might be a lot of things but I ain't little.

Me: Boy please!

Young Boy😚🍼: I actually called to tell you Congrats.

Me: On what?

Young Boy😚🍼: On the pregnancy

Me: Oh yea you saw it on ET?

Young Boy😚🍼: Yea and on every front cover of every magazin-

My phone beeped saying that I have another call. It was Chris.

Me: Aye Stephen can I call you back?

Young Boy😚🍼: Yea dats cool.

Alright now I can call back Chris. On the first ring he answered. This must be real urgent.

LightSkinned😒😂: Jordin?

Me: Yes?

LightSkinned😒😂: Um I need to tell you sumn

Me: Is it Ciara? How's Lil Chris?

LightSkinned😒😂: No BriteSkin it's about... August.

Me: August? What about August?

LightSkinned😒😂: *sighs*

Me: You scarin me. Whats wrong with my husband, Christopher?

LightSkinned😒😂: Are you sittin down?

Me: Fuck sittin down! Whats wrong with my husband!?

LightSkinned😒😂: *sighs* August's been shot, Jo.

Oooo. Lol sorry for the short teaser. I'll update the rest either later tonight or 2marow. Stay tuned.

Thought? Comments? Questions? Votes?

Excuse mistakes. Much love.😘💋


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