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Gabbie's POV

I felt a rough hand on my thigh. It stroked lightly with its thumb while gripping me with the other fingers. A hand? Who's!? I let out a grumble as I opened my eyes when I felt a nail go through my skin. HOLY MOTHER OF ****! THIS HURTS LIKE A *****! I bit my lip to try and stop the screaming. "P-perseus?" I tried to wake up the person besides me. He let out a groan as his hand flew of my thigh, and he pulled his nail out, sending me yelling. "WHATS WRONG?" He yelled desperately, does he not smell the blood? "AGHHHHHHH, IT HURTS!!!" I yelled. He jumped up and through the blanket off me. There is blood like, every where! Shit, it hurts! "Perseus!" I yelled. He jumped out of bed and carried me as he ran to who knows where while I was crying in pain. So much PAIN! The pain was too untolerable and I guess I fainted.

Kay's POV

Who hurt her?! "Jasmine!" I barked.

"Yes sir," She said, avoiding eye contact.

"Help me, she's bleeding too much!" I yelled, trying to put pressure on the thigh.

"Follow me."


2 hours later

Perseus's POV

I kept thinking about Gabbie. What are they doing to her? Who did it to her? When a nurse came out of the room, I ran to them.

"is she fine? I hope they didn't hurt her, you better have not!"

"No, she is fine, we just had one stitch up the side and put a few badades." She replied.

"Is she gonna have them... forever?" I ask, scared too.

"No, in a few months come back and we'll be cutting them off, it should heal sooner than a humans do yes."

"Thank you." I replied, only wanting the hug we had a while ago. Well, there's gonna be no hug for the one who hurt her, there gonna pay.


Sorry you guys for taking so long in uploading, but I'll make a deal, if by this Wednesday, May 4, I don't have a chapter I'll add in an extra chapter of either a mushy moment between Perseus and gabbie or... you guys suggest. Thank you, Jamoona out.😇

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