Almost friday

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Perseus's POV

I cursed under my breath, already knowing it was a hard as a rock, and wet. I should have come prepared, I just didn't know she looked that good with out a shirt. Her ass literally was between my manhood, only separated by cloth, and I think I'll have to ask her dad for p.j.'s because I will not survive the night with a horny dragon trying to hump her. I get up and take off my boxers, their completely wet from the front, I'll just have to link my brother to send another pair. I grab my pants and run out, I need some air first. Once I'm in my land I take off my pants and shift. Kays white scales come out of me as I grow and my bones crack. I run around trying cool myself off, as kay angrily tries to go to gabbie and make love. I sit down and inspect kay, he is very muscular, pure white, 5 times as big as gabbie, and, his manhood hangs out and he proudly does that. I know because it doesn't droop, it pops, we might never make love in creature form. I smell something very strong and delicious, it makes my eyes pop out of my head, and I follow it. It leads me to, my pants?! I notice it's slightly wet, and it's not because of me.

Mate's heat. Must have mate! Kay roars.

But how, it isn't even her birthday, how is she in heat?

I did that, our cum might have helped.

I have to get back, she be hurting. The alpha said that to werewolves, they go through heat and get extremely horny. I shifted and put my pants back on, I run back to her room to see blanket on the floor and her whimpering. I don't know what to do. The bed is wet as I plug my nose. If I smell, Kay might go crazy. I touch her forhead and it's burning. I brush my lips on her forhead as it slightly cools. The best would be to rub bodies, I guess. I take off my pants and lay next to her. Instinct tells me what to do as I my hand go's over her breasts and my legs envelope her lower body. Her must still be burning, but this is all I can do.
Gabbie's POV

I wake up to hear stupid beeping of the alarm clock. I try to get up, but something holds me back. I turn around and see a ginormous figure covering mine, and everything comes back to me, him sleeping here, his wetness, and something burning my whole body as I sleep. But, I see him naked and his thingie against my butt. Too close. "Ahhh!" I shreak in his ear, no way my momma gonna get down here and give me a whoopin. He jumps up and stands protectively on top of me. His manhood slides along my core and it sends a wave of pleasure through my spine. He sniffs the air and his eyes turn into a beautiful green color. "Shit." He mutters as he looks down at my underwear. "Get off," I joke as I push him away, or well, try to atleast. "Your mine," He says huskily. "Nooo, remember, we both can give birth, I'm a girl, your an omega, I'm straight." I say. No, I don't offend anyone who is bysexual, it's because omega male supposedly are born with a vajaja. (If you know what I mean) "I can't give birth, I was made omega, not born one." He said in a lighter tone. Wait, so that means that I was in the same bed, with a guy, with a very long .... who could you know what to me whenever he wants to, and I sleep almost naked, and he sleeps naked. I throw him off angrily and go to put on his shirt. Honestly, I don't feel like getting clothes and his shirt is a dress to me. He puts on his boxers, which I suppose should be dry by now, and he let's me ride on his back all the way to the kitchen. I'm still mad tho. "Enedina, what are we cooking today?" I ask. "French toast." "Yum," Perseus says. I ignore him and walk off. I grab the eggs from the fridge and hand them to another omega. I walk towards the cupboard to get the honey as the future alpha, Ian, roughly pushes me into a corner. "Si-sir?" I ask afraid. Please not another beating.

Ian's POV

What the hell is wrong with me? My wolf just wants to .... her. All I remember is that we had a party yesterday and I woke up with a blonde in my bed. My wolf smelt something but I didn't know what it was. Its the runt? Hmmph, I need to let off steam, I might go with another chick today too. I rip off the man's shirt she has on and see her in bra and underwear, I shred her underwear as I slide off my boxers, it was throbbing. She started screaming," Perseus! Help!" But I punched her,"Shut up already, don't disobey your alpha!" I growled. She let out a whimper. I heard footsteps this way and someone pulled me off her without even getting started. "YOU BETTER NOT TOUCH HER AGAIN!!" He growled. Perseus?!

Perseus' POV (sorry for changing so much)

What the f**k!? What does he think he is doing with my mate? I punch him into the wall as I pick my tiny mate up. Seeing her like this would have been better if we were mating, and kay would be wanting to mate if it weren't for the stupid mutt hurting my mate. All we want is to see if she's okay. I run out the house with her still in my arms and shift. We can't stay here anymore. I shift and pick her up, her eyes were closed so she probably fainted from fright. I fly off to my kingdom,"thank god its almost friday." I mutter.

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