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Perseus 's POV

I looked at her beautiful face, hoping for a blush or even a smile, but mainly that word, yes. I probably look like a love struck idiot right now, but nothing matters to me more that Gabbie. I don't know how she thought that I didn't like her because of her breasts, but that's not true, I love them as much as everything on her body because they're so beautiful and I have been waiting so long to make love with my mate. My dragon flares fire from his nose whenever he thinks about making love with gorgeous mate. He even learned how to make smoke in the shape of a heart. Oh, and yes, I am not a werewolf, I am a pure dragon. But when they attacked the castle I ran away for a while. The alpha found me and let me stay in the pack, my future kingdom was back to stable and I was gonna run away back home until I saw Gabbie. I was in love with her straight away. I was 13, almost 14 when I saw her, and it pained me to leave her, so I made myself and my dragon a deal, I would wait until I was 14, I would see that she isn't my mate, and leave. But when I figured she was my mate, I decided to live my life half and half, morning to afternoon for Gabbie, and the rest of the night my kingdom. I would sneak back in the night to wake up in the pack. I've done this every day for the last almost 3 years. But this has kept my dragon calm.

"You wish, we both worry about her, you also got a layer of protectiveness." Kay said.

"She's so fragile, I don't know how we haven't broken her yet."

"I know, but we're rocking it."

I stayed with that in my mind. I saw Gabbie's face as she was looking at me like if I had something on my face. "Who are you talking with?"her angelic voice asked. "My creature." I tried to hide the part that he's a dragon, a very horny one. "Your wolf?" "Ye" I stuttered. She didn't believe me. "Well let me get your backpack." She said. I slung the backpack over my shoulder but flinched when it touched the cuts. "O mu god, your cuts, I forgot." She brought out a small bag from her backpack and opened it, it had lots of medical tools. She brought out a rolled bandage. "We have to go Gabbie, you could do that afterschool, or we're gonna be late." "Well be late then," she said confidently. I can't fight with her, Kay was also on her side and I can't beat neither of them. So I took my shirt off and turned around. She soothed my back making Kay pur loudly,and she felt it. Then she put some alcohol, it burned slightly and I thought she was mad because she didn't hold my hand like before, so I grabbed her thigh before the sting left, it felt much better. She looked surprised at first, but kissed my cheek. I was probably red and blushing. She looked away before placing the bandage on my back. I put my shirt back on." We could still make it if we run," she said. I nodded and picked her up before running. "I can walk you know." "I know, but I don't want you to get cramps." She buried herself in my chest. I ran quickly, like how I regularly run, Gabbie feels like a feather, I really haven't been worrying about her, I don't even know what happens to her when I leave her after school. If she doesn't eat dinner? I'm a terrible mate. I'll stay in the pack the whole night with Gabbie today to see what happens. "What time is it?" I ask. "7:28, don't worry, we're almost there. I can't believe your not tired yet." I chuckled, I do training every day and run up a steep mountain. "I can't believe you weigh lighter than my backpack." I said, and adorable pink blossoms sprouted on her cheeks.

Your so cheesy.

You think you can do better?

Yeah, just let me take over.

Haha, you wish.

I couldn't let him hurt my angel. Her face with no flaws, her body with no defections, especially her cleavage, I couldn't imagine her any different, and this morning, my dragon was taking over with that nasty 'compliment'. "and it kills me to not be able to see you without that t-shirt." Though I think she liked it. I heard the bell when I realized the school was around the corner. I put her down as we ran in the block. Alot of werewolve's ignored us, but the human whores ran around me. "Hey Percy."some said or,"my beds been lonely without you." Which both enfuried me because only Gabbie calls me Percy, and I'm still virgin. I might have lost that a long time ago and be a player if I hadn't met Gabbie, she has made me the strong king that I am. As I dropped her at her class she said,"Oh and yes, I accept, maybe on my birthday, mkay?" That made my heart flutter to my stomach," I'll get you at 4 o'clock, be ready." As I leaned in for a kiss on her forhead. Oh, yeah, and I am the dragon king.

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