Still love you

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Gabbie's POV

I fell asleep after he explained to me the whole mate thing, and that he was king, things like that. I could tell he was stressed. I just, what can a mutt do to help a dragon king? That and the reason because I stressed him. I didn't mean to do that, I forgot. He was pacing on the floor of this ginormous room. It had a king bed, a big drawer, a desk, other things, the was a beautiful blue on the wall and the floor was baby blue. "C-can I have a shirt?" I whispered. He turned around and walked to his closet again, he grabbed the first shirt and handed it to me. I put it on and walked off the bed, of course the pants sliding off on the first step. He turned at me and his eyes softened, I pulled him into a hug as he returned it, nuzzling in my neck. I heard a small pur come up his throat as I soothed his back. He wrapped my legs up to his waist and set me on the bed again. This time with him. "Don't ever think of your self as a mutt, you are my mate, so the queen of dragons, and everyone will love you just how you are." He said, few inches from my face. "You won't reject me?" I whisper. "I still love you, since the first day we met, when I asked you to be my girl, our first kiss, now, and when I die I will still love you." He whispered back, placing a small kiss on my forhead. I remember when he asked me...


I turned fourteen yesterday, of course spending it with Perseus. He is really nice, deciding to stay with me, even if we had to sneak out. Today he was acting weird, but he still protected me. A 17 year old boy pushed me in a wall and I got scared, I froze, he started taking his pants off, but then Perseus came and pushed him off me. I haven't seen him since. But, I remember he called me to the woods before he left, so here I am risking my head just to see him. I waited a little until I heard rustle behind the bushes and Perseus popped out. A little blood dripped from his chin, and he had a hare in his hands. "Hi." He asked shyly. I nodded looking at the hare, unfortunately, my stomach growled, and I heard him giggle,"hungry?" Now, we weren't stupid, we found a small clearing in the woods with a stream and a cave, and apparently, animals too. So, he told me I could take a bath while he cooked it in the cave. I am very shy though, to take one in front of him. I thought of an exuse," I don't have a towl..." I rushed. He took off his shirt,"use this," and handed it to me. I really had no exuse, so I started sobbing. "What's wrong?!" He asked, scared. I was never scared to take a bath there, naked, but today, it's hard to get that off my mind, I imagine him trying to rape me, Perseus being the man. He must have seen my face, because he replied,"if you don't want to, you don't have to, I won't do anything that will hurt you." He was going to grab his shirt back, but I snatched it away and hugged him,"it's okay," I hiccuped, running to the stream. I slipped off my shorts, my shirt, and my under clothes, I put my hair in a bun and turned around, I could have sworn I saw him turn on a fire with his breath, I think I'm seeing things. I washed off, careful to not wet my hair, it might bring suspition, and got out. I sniffed his shirt, it might be wierd, but it smelled... good. Like, the forest. I dried myself with it and put my clothes on. Did I leave my scent on it? Is his scent on me? I ignored that and went into the cave, seeing Perseus tear the limbs off the cooked hare, the dried blood still on his chin. I sat down on his side, and with my thumb, I broke it off. He handed me a leg and I dug in. As I ate, Perseus began talking," your very pretty Gabbie, and I like you," his nice comments making me blush furiously. After a while, he sighed," and, I want to ask if you'd be my girlfriend."

Of course I said yes. I remember our first kiss, it got really heated, but of course nowhere past the clothes. I have never gotten naked in front of him, or atleast until yesterday, and he saw me naked completely today.

Perseus's POV

"You won't reject me?" She whispered, how could I reject a goddess?! "I still love you, since the day we met,when I asked you to be my girl, our first kiss, now, and when I die I will still love you," I whispered back and kissed her forhead. "Now, what the hell did he do to you?"

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