Chapter Twenty Nine: Final

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Grammy's day:

Ally's POV:

Tonight is the big day! We are attending to the Grammy's! I can't believe I'm seriously going with Justin.

We are finally making public we are together after more than a year of dating. I'must admit that it scares me a lot because I'm afraid of what can people say about us but right now I'm not gonna let that get to me. I'll show up with confidence and strenght. I'll prove I'm worthy of Justin.

"Allyyyyyyy" Emma shouted

"Open the fucking door now!!" Amy knocked

"Damn girls. Chill! I'm coming" I walked to the door and opened it rolling my eyes

"Carin and Pattie are gonna be here in less than an hour so go and take a showe now" Amy commanded

"Who put you in charge?" I raised an eyebrow

"As your older sister I have the right to give you orders so go! We can't waste time. Theres plenty of things to do" She yelled and I groaned walking to the bathroom mostly because I didn't want to hear her giving me more orders.

I spent like half an hour in the shower just relaxing and feeling how the hot water dropped on my skin, giving me a very good moment. The shower was by far on of the best places to think.

Justin was the first thought that crossed my mind as always... I started thinking about today, about what we were gonna do after making it public.

If we were going to be able to keep things the same. I was nervous. No. I was scared or more like... I was terrified.

I kept telling myself how I needed to act and think. I was preparing myself to face any kind of obstacles that coukd come my way tonight. Also expecting the worst but hoping for the best.

"We are hereee" I heard Carin's voice coming from downstairs

"Ally babe" Carin hugged me "Let me introduce you to the one and only, Antoine DiFiore, by far one of the best stylists in the world! He has worked with Beyonce, Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Lawrence, Keira Knightly and many more!" She stepped aside, reveling a very tall man in his mid 40's. He was by far, the most in style person I had ever met. He could perfectly be the right definition of "fashion"

"Its a pleasure to meet you Ally! My good friend Carin has talked about you a lot" He extended his hand and I shook it immediately. He had an italian accent playing in his voice.

"Thank you! And thank you for helping me tonight" Carin told me, he cancelled Rihanna because of me!! I couldn't believe someone would cancel a top rating singer because of some new known girl. But Carin also explained, he agreed because of her.

"Well, we can chat later. Its time to get you ready for the night! You need to look perfect! After you are done, we were are gonna get ready too ok?" Emma asked and I nodded.

"Pattie is downstairs making dinner or I don't really know. Probably she is only talking with your mom" Carin commented

"Yes. I think they are talking about tonight" Emma told me

"Ok whatever. Now let's make our magic. Ready Antoine?" Carin said snapping her fingers.

"I was born ready sunshine"

After what seemed hours, Antoine and Carin were done with my hair and makeup.

My makeup was very elaborated but not exaggerated, it was simplyon point. Perfectly combined with my outfit and my beutiful hair. My hair was curled in the ends and straight in the top, it was up in a side-ponytail. I loved what they had created.

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