Chapter Two: Finally I Have Some Luck

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Justin's POV:

"Are you ready kiddo?" Scooter asked

"aye man I’m Justin Bieber, I’m always ready" He rolled his eyes

"Someone is being cocky again…" Alfredo said trying to be serious

"Shut up Fredo" We laughed.

"Well Mr. I’m always ready, the M&G starts in half an hour, so go and make yourself ready" I groaned and made my way to my dressing room just to find Carin, Ry , Kenny and my mom

"What are y’all doing here?" I asked

"We can’t come here now huh?" My mom asked

"Of course you can. I was just asking" Everybody is so tense and I don’t even know why ugh

"Sup men" I said bro hugging Ry and Kenny

"Carin can you help me with my outfit please?" she smiled and nodded.

"Now you are ready Biebs" Carin said pinching my cheeks after 20 minutes choosing my outfit and making my hair. Carin is like the big sister I always wanted to have

"Thanks sis" I said kissing her cheek.

"Kiddoooo" Kenny said

"What man?"

"Scooter said that the girls are already there, don’t make them wait"

"Coming" I said, I love my fans and the M&G are one of my favorite parts cause I can meet them and let me tell you that some of them are extremely sexy hahaha.

"Make your magic" Scooter said patting me on the back, I smiled and started taking pictures with my beliebers.

"OMG I CAN’T BELIEVE I’M HERE MEETING YOU!!! OH LORD" A fan said, I almost thought she was gonna pass out.This is very normal on the M&G

"Believe baby, Its a pleasure to meet you" I said locking her hair behind her ear. And she started crying again

"shh shh babe, you look better smiling" I said with a wink, poor girl I was making her suffer doing this haha.

I have to admit that I love to do this cause I know they want me and I can take a lil bit of advantage of the situation, just like a little game of teasing my fans, call me how ever you want but I enjoy this a lot. You can’t blame me, I’m a teenager and they are so sexy.

After taking at least 40 pictures with fans I decided to go and see how many pictures were missing until I could go to my dressing room and get ready for the show. I saw a lot of gorgeous girls on the line, when they realized I was there they started screaming and winked at them. I knew they would do that so I laughed in my mind while a smirk appeared on my face.

Ally's POV:

"Emma I need to go to the bathroom" I said trying not to pee

"You can’t resist?" She asked with puppy eyes

"I’m pissing!! Just if you want me to meet Justin Bieber wet its fine, I’m staying" I said rolling my eyes

"Ugh fine, you can go" she said trying not to laugh.

After I used the bathroom I walk out and saw a little girl around 10-14 years old crying, I been always very protective with younger kids and her teardrops were breaking my heart so I asked her what was wrong

"I’m a belieber and I love Justin with all my heart, I couldn’t buy tickets for the show cause all was sold out and really want to meet him" She said sobbing.

Damn she’s really breaking my heart and I have to do something. I know Emma will kill me but I don’t care, she deserve it more than me

"Here baby, take these tickets. Its a seat on the first floor and M&G ticket" Her eyes widen

"Are you really going to give me your tickets?" She asked trying not to cry again, I nodded

"Omg you are an angel, I can’t believe it!!! Tank you so much" she said crying and hugging me

"Go now cause the show is about to start" I said to her, she ran and turned to say

"THANK YOU AGAIN YOU ARE SERIOUSLY THE BEST PERSON EVER"  Her words made me smile and feel so good, I called Emma and told her I wasn’t gonna enter to the show, she was so mad at me I can bet she’s gonna kill me after the show.

I was walking out of the arena when 2 guys stopped me, I gulped

"Hey" they said smiling

"Hi?" I said confused, the seem really nice persons but I wasn’t feeling good or think straight now

"My name is Alfredo and he is Ryan, we saw you with that little girl and that was the sweetest thing that we ever seen" I was shocked

"And we want to ask you something" What these guys want to ask me? 

"What?" I asked nervously

"Do you want to be the OLLG?"

My eyes widened and I realized that it was Ryan Good and Alfredo Flores right there… Oh my gooooood this can’t be true  

"Wha what?" I stuttered

"Yes, do you want to be the OLLG?" Ryan asked again. Omfg I actually heard right! I can’t believe it they are really asking me that!! Can I fangirl? Ally calm down, they were still waiting for my answer

"Of  course I want!!!" I was about to cry , they smiled

"Lets go then" Ryan said

Can this be true? Finally I have some lucky...

---------------------------------- Note------------------------------

Let's pretend the picture in the right is from that M&G

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