Chapter Twenty Two: Not Giving Up

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Ally's POV:

What the actual fuck? This can't be happening.


Seeing him on the park just tumbled every brick of the wall I built around my heart...

How can he have this power over me?

His hazel eyes were the whole time staring at me, sparkling like shouting stars, his perfect honey-brown hair all messed up made me want to run my hand through it. His perfect plum lips were so kissable as I remember.


I can't... I know I can't forget him... I know I can't get him out of my head because he's all I ever dreamed for.

Everything about him its flawless for me.

"Baby" Cody whispered in my ear

"Hmm?" I grumbled without paying attention

"Are you ok?"

"Oh sure, I'm fine" I smiled slightly

"If you say so" He mumbled and turned me to face him

"I'm so sorry, I don't know what's going on with me" I kissed his cheek

"Its fine, you can trust me right?" I nodded

I love Cody and I was really moving on but FUCK now that Justin is here I'm going backward on my tries of moving on.

"Well I have to go now. But remember I'm always here for you" He said "Gonna call you later" He kissed me in the lips and I felt a little chill on my spine.

Wasn't as strong as what I felt with Justin but was something... This could work! I could move on! I'm moving on! Justin and I are done! I've made it!!

'Damn Allison you are such a bad liar... You expect yourself to believe that crap? Haha better try the next time' A voice in my head said.

'Shut up' I yelled to myself... This was gonna be hard

"SO HE SAW YOU?" Emma yelled through the phone

"Yes" I mumbled

"DID YOU FEEL SOMETHING? DID HE TRIED SOMETHING? WHAT HAPPENED?" Damn she's really annoying... I almost wanted to laugh

"Em calm! First I don't know what he felt when he saw me but I kissed Cody in front of Justin"

"WHAT? ALLY WHY YOU DID THAT?" She asked, I shrugged

"I wanted to show him I moved on"

"Oh" Was all she said

"But didn't work" I continued


"Em I love Justin with all my heart and I thought the feels I had for him were tearing apart thanks to Cody but today I got the prove that I'm still madly in love with Justin" I could feel the lump in throat now

"Ally, he loves you too even when he's a fucking bastard cheating bitch I'm sure he loves you. Alfredo told me he wasn't the same since you left, he's like lost" I wanted to cry but I wasn't allowing myself to do it

"Em I need to go, bye" I hung up before she could reply.

"Where the fuck I am?" I said to myself looking around

I've been walking for what seems hours without knowing where I go, just trying to clear my mind about Justin, Cody and I. But now I'm fucking lost.

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