"How did you know about that?"

"Remember, I hack into the Warrior hotline to make sure that they know about you. I think one of the Gemini knew that and called it in." She explained.

"Calli, this isn't good timing. Dylan and I are having a nice dinner. You know how much that means to me, since I never get to hang out with him anymore."

"Siena, you've seen what these people do. You know how they can be." Calli warned me urgently. "I think you need to go. Remember, I'll be there with you every step of the way."

"Yeah, from the safety of the car." I grumbled, but give in.

I walked out to the kitchen and threw Dylan an apologetic look. "I'm sorry, Dyl. Calli needs my help on her English paper. Can we rain check the dinner?"

"Yeah, no problem. I'll wrap up your food and keep it in the fridge. You can eat it when you come back." Dylan said. Oddly, he didn't look too upset, and I try not to be too hurt by this.

No affection. Makes you weak. I reminded myself.

I slipped out of the apartment and headed downstairs to the lobby, getting into my car and linking my comms. "Ok, Calli, where do they want me?" I asked, driving into traffic to be as inconspicuous as possible.

"They're in one of the warehouses near the harbor. Number 27. Get there as fast as you can." She said. I heard the clacking of her keyboard keys through the comms.

Driving the harbor as quickly as I can, my mind ran through the different reasons that Gemini could possibly want me there. They don't want to recruit me, do they? I don't think so.

I parked near the harbor and changed into my outfit. Teleporting from there to inside the warehouse storage area, I come outside number 27.

Peeking around, I see no one else, and quickly slipped inside the door, into the warehouse.

"Well, well, well. Look who decided to join our little party here." 1's voice echoed from high up in the rafters, but I can't see where she is.

"I'm glad you accepted our invitation, Black Hawk. Don't worry, all we want to do is talk." 2 called out.

"I don't believe that." I called out, my voice confident and fearless.

"Oh, we know you don't." 1 drifted down, hovering in mid-air and looking me straight in the eye. We just wanted you to know what threat we pose to the city. People will die in our conquest."

"Any that doesn't bother you?" I asked, intrigued at her nonchalance.

She simply shrugged. "Oh, I don't care. One person dies every minute. Not too much to care about. That timeline is just escalated for some of them."

2 nodded. He seemed to be following her orders. 1 seemed to be running the whole operation.

"How do you manage to be so detached?" I asked her. I really want to know.

"Easy." She said. "I don't have any family that I care about." For a second, her voice was strained, almost like she is lying about family. But that vanished with the next thing she said.

"Black Hawk, things would be much easier if we had you on our team." She tossed me a business card. "Give me call me sometime if you're interested."

I looked up at her from the card. "I thought you said it never works when the villains try to recruit the other for their cause."

"I did. Doesn't mean they stop trying." With that, they both flew off, leaving me with an evil business card (literally) and alone in an empty warehouse.

I got as close to my car as possible so I can teleport without draining myself too much.

"Calli, you'll never guess what just happened."

"Siena, are you forgetting that I was literally listening in this whole time?" She huffed.

"Oh. Right."

"So what are ya gonna do with it?"

"I don't know." I said, examining the card closely.



"Siena, you're not seriously considering their offer, are you?" Calli asked me.

"I don't know, Calli. Did you see how casual they were? I need to be that way." I sighed. "Anyway, I need to think this over. I'll see tomorrow at school."

"Ok. Bye. But I DON'T trust you'll do the right thing."

"I know." I switched off my comm and changed back into my regular clothes driving back to the house.

Going in, I see Dylan chatting on his phone with another person. (at least, I assume that. For all I know, he could be talking to Shamu.) He's laughing, having a good time.

He covered the earpiece with his hand. "Hey, S. I'm just talking to Emma. Dinner's in the fridge."

I nodded, and open the fridge, taking the plate to my room.

Who is this Emma person that Dylan's talking to? Just the sound of him talking to her, laughing like that, sent ripples of annoyance through me. I don't like it all that much. I've never heard Dylan mention her before, unlike me and Nick.

I'm not jealous of her, am I?

■ □ ■ □ ■ □

Hello wonderful blue cookies. Thank you all so much for 400 reads. As a thank you, Chapter 7 is here early, and as a special bonus, Chapter 8 will also be uploaded on Saturday, like normal! 2 chapters in one week! Whohoo!!!!!!!!!

*throws confetti in air*

*gets stuck in fan*

*burns down house*

BTW, any Bleach fans out there? Just started watching it. Already obsessed and an IchiRuki shipper.

As usual, vote, comment, and tell me about the spelling and grammar mistakes!

Love You All Loads!


(#1) Roommates by Day, Enemies by NightWhere stories live. Discover now