+Chapter Nineteen+

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"UUUUUGGGGGHHHHH!!!! ARE WE THERE YET!?!?" Magnus groaned. Everyone was still walking, looking for the Temple. "NO NO NO!!! WE ARE NOT THERE YET!!" Ivor replied angrily. Magnus groaned louder. Ellegaard and Gabriel shook their heads and covered their ears. Petra was pacing behind everyone along with Rueben beside her. She looked sad.

Soren was still looking at the map, but he wasn't paying any attention to the path. So he bumped into something, and he fell on the ground. "NYAH!!" Soren made a soft yelp as he fell on the dirt path. Everyone stopped their tracks and sighed. Soren looked up and from where he fell.

It looked like a big stump, and a sign was on top of it. It said, "//// and \\\\\ house"

Then on the farther left side, it was an old looking, oak wood house. Weeds and ferns were everywhere. "Everyone, look. Another house" Soren said, getting off the ground. "Great...I hope there aren't any villagers in there" Magnus grumbled.

Soren and everyone else behind him went up to the house. He knocked on the door, but no answer. But then they all heard light footsteps coming towards the door.

A woman answered the door. She had ginger hair, like Soren, she wore a green leather tunic, brown leather pants, black boots, and she had green eyes. "Um...yes?" The woman, known as Alex asked.

"We couldn't find our way back to our temple, could we-" Soren was cut off, but Alex glaring at him. "You're the Order of the Stone. Why would I help you?" Alex asked coldly. Everyone was a little shocked by the sudden comment.

"Um yeah, We used to be the Order. But why don't you wanna help us?" Magnus asked, glaring at Alex. All Alex did was continue to glare at everyone. "I know you lied to the world, you four 'Order of the Stone' members make me SICK" Alex said coldly, with venom in her voice.

"Excuse me, I'm a former member too" Ivor said in the background. "Oh five, I know. Now leave me alone!" Alex was about to shut the door but Petra stopped her by rushing to the door.

"Now what!?" Alex grumbled. "We just need directions to our home, please" Petra pleaded, holding the door tightly. "NO! Leave me be!" Alex shut the door at full force.

Then everyone, then heard a male voice from the inside that sounded familiar.

"Lex, comn' they're my friends. I couldn't leave them out there" The male said, inside the house. "Don't you know what they did, Steve?!" Alex could be heard in the house, shouting back. "Please? They're my friends!" Steve pleaded.

Everyone then heard silence. Then the door opened, Steve was infront of the door. "Hey guys! Glad to see you all again!" He said, waving at them. "Is that your wife?" Magnus asked Steve, refering to Alex. Ellegaard elbowed him on the stomach.

"Heh, yeah. Sorry about that. She tends to get angry at times" Steve said. "Hey, you guys wanna come in? We got some lunch on the table" Steve asked everyone. "Oh no, It's okay we just need some direc-"

"I insist, come in, come in" Steve gestured in hand in a welcoming manner.

Everyone looked at each other before, hesitantly they went inside.

The inside was a bit small, since only two people live in it. But there was a small couch and a dinner room. Alex was sitting on the table, glaring at everyone, while eating her rabbit stew. She made a face that says "I'm watching you"

Steve closed the door, and sighed happily. "So, you guys want some lunch?" Steve asked everyone except Alex. "I'm sure you guys are hungry, so here" Steve grabbed some baked potatoes and steak from the table and handed it out to everyone. "Steve, hon, you need to eat too" Alex said, still glaring at everyone else.

"Nah, I'm fine. I'm not hungry" Steve said, sitting down on the floor while everyone sat on the couch except Petra and Rueben who were also sitting on the floor. Petra looked at her baked potato and then looked at Steve.

She crawled over to him and gave him her potato. "Here Steve, you can have mine" Petra said. "But..no Petra. This is yours" Steve said. "I insist" Petra held out the potato. Steve looked at Alex, who was nodding then he looked at the potato. He hesitantly took it.

Everyone was eating there potatoes and steak. Luckily, it wasn't pork or Rueben would've freaked out. Alex looked a little calm on the table but she was still staring at everyone. Steve and Petra were chatting, along with Magnus, Ellegaard, and Gabriel. Ivor and Soren were reading that mysterious book that they got from the library in the village.

"Hey, you with the long hair and ginger sap. Where did you get that book?" Alex asked, refering to Ivor and Soren. "Are you talking to us?" Ivor asked, not looking up from the book. "Yes, I am talking to you" Alex replied, slightly irritated.

"Oh, we found this at a village. Got a problem with that?" Ivor asked Alex. "No, I want to see it" Alex stood up from the table then she walked over to the couch. "The Legendary Herobrine? Pfft, that guy has been defeated years ago" Alex said.

"I don't believe that's true. He killed our friends, the new Order of the Stone" Soren said. "Are you even sure Herobrine did it? Do you have proof?" Alex asked. "One, he killed a leader of a powerful group. That's Jesse. Two, he kills with fire and lava. Axel and Olivia. And he kills with battle. Lukas" Petra said, joining the conversation.

"Oh, that prophecy. That ain't Herobrine. That's the symbol of sacrifice" Alex said. "Symbol of Sacrifice?" Everyone, except Steve and Rueben asked, confused. "Yeah, you guys never heard of it?" Steve asked everyone. "No.."

"It's complicated to explain. But we do know there are four powerful beings that ruled minecraftia before Notch had left. They live in seperate dimensions, like the nether...blah blah blah" Alex said. "But do you guys know who Steve and Alex are?" Soren asked.

"We ARE Steve and Alex!" Alex said. "No, the ones that disappeared after the Ender dragon battle" Soren said. Alex and Steve's faces turned pale. "We are them"

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