+Chapter Seven+

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It was about a week, after the Order had returned back to the Temple. The New Order revisited Jesse's grave. The Old Order went along with them. When they reached the cemetery, Jesse's grave and his picture were still in the same place. 

Petra sighed, and knelt down. Followed by Lukas, Olivia, Axel and Rueben. 

The Old Order approuched them, giving them a sorrowful look. Petra has not been herself ever since Jesse died, she was depressed, always cranky. Petra suddenly breathed really heavily.

"Petra?" Everyone asked. Suddenly, Petra lost it. She took out her sword, then aimed it towards the Old Order. "This is all your FAULT!!!!!!!!" Petra screamed in anger. Lukas, Axel, and Olivia knew who she really was angry at. Ivor.

"If you wouldn't have made that fucking WitherStorm, Jesse would still have been alive!!" Petra shouted. She was about to attack but then,


A sword sliced Petra's sword's blade in half. Everyone stared in horror and shock at the figure. He or She was taller then everyone, by an inch. He or She stepped into front of the Old Order and took out his/her own sword, it was made of pure diamond. It shimmered in the light.

"Don't hurt them" The figure said, in a strong woman voice. "W-Who are you?" Lukas hid behind Axel.

"None of YOUR business" The figure then walked away. "Wai-" 

But the figure was gone, Everyone stood there in shock, even Petra.

A/N: I'm so sorry most of my chapters were short. I promise something interesting will happen in the next few chapters.

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