+Chapter Thirteen+

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A/N: I'm am so sorry I killed someone in the last chapter. Back to the story.

Everyone returned back to the temple, covered in burns and ashes. They met Steve at the door, who was rubbing his eyes since he was woken up by the doors opening. Steve noticed something was wrong, very wrong. Axel was not with them.

He also saw Olivia crying, with Lukas and Rueben comforting her. Petra was gritting her teeth. Magnus was crossing his arms, looking at the floor.

"What happened..?" Steve asked, softly. But he soon regreted asking. "Axel is...g-gone.." Petra said, a hot tear slid down her cheek.

Steve's eyes widened. The guy that helped him, is gone. His first friend to ever talk to. Was gone.

"I'm..s-so..sorry" Steve stuttered, guilty for asking. "We s-should head back t-to bed...we'll sort this out in morning.." Steve opened the door wide for everyone to head inside.

When everyone was in their rooms, already in bed, Ellegaard could not sleep. She layed awake in her bed, beside Magnus' bed.

Whenever she tried to sleep, she would get these nightmares. But soon she started getting really tired and sleepy.

She gave up, and closed her eyes.

~In Ellegaard's dream~

It was dark. Pitch black. Until a light came, towards me. Then in a flash, we were in the Nether with Olivia, Petra, Lukas, and Magnus.

I stood on soul sand, trembling. I don't know why. But then I saw something that scared me, a giant ghast appeared right infront of us.

It shot out fireballs and it hit the ground, causing to gravel to fall into the lava. Then I saw it,

Olivia was stading on the gravel, then...just like that. The gravel and herself fell into the burning lava.

All of us heard the high pitched scream of her, falling right below into the lava.

Then I heard Magnus calling my name.


Then everything went black.

~End of dream~

Ellegaard shot awake on her bed, panting and breathing heavily. Magnus was sitting beside her, rubbing her back.

"What happened?" Ellegaard asked, still panting lightly.

Magnus faced Ellegaard, with a sorrowful and sad look on his face. "Ellie...I..I don't know how to say this but..."

"Spit it out, Magnus!" Ellegaard said. "Olivia is...dead" Magnus said.

Ellegaard's eyes widened in shock and sadness. "W-What?" Ellegaard said. "No..It can't be!" Ellegaard threw off the covers then ran out of her room.

Ellegaard saw everyone in the meeting hall, all of them sad. Then she saw, Olivia's helmet and goggles in the center of the table.

Ellegaard covered her mouth then fell to her knees. Soren and Gabriel rushed to her side.

Tears slid down Ellegaard's cheeks. Soren and Gabriel tried to comfort her as best as they can.

"How did she..." Ellegaard said, still sobbing.

"When I came down, I saw the door to the lab wide open. I saw Olivia's goggles and helmet on the floor. Then when I woke up Lukas, Rueben, and Magnus we ran off to find her in the lab. But she was not there. The only place she could have gone to was the Nether. So when the three of us went in the portal, we saw her on some gravel, and a ghast shot the ground with the fireballs then she..." Petra tried to explain but at the last part, her voice trailed off.

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