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A/N: You guys could play the media while reading.

It's been two whole weeks, the Wither Storm was long gone. But so was Jesse. The New and Old Order held a funeral and Ceremony outside the Town for their last goodbyes to their Hero and Best friend.

There stood on the stage, were Petra, Olivia, Axel, Rueben, even Lukas. The Old Order stood beside the Stage. Jesse's grave was at the front of the stage.

Petra cleared her throat before speaking. "Um hello everyone...we are gathered here say goodbye to our Hero...and Best friend.." Petra's voice shook a little at the last part.

"He may have died during the battle but at least he managed to save us for a moment..." Axel said in a sad tone, trying not to show he had cried.

"Jesse was a hero, a great leader, and a great friend. I am glad that he is in a...better place..." Lukas managed to have some tears fall down his face before wiping them away.

"He was my best friend, for all those years...Me, Axel, and Rueben will miss him very much..." Olivia choked through her tears.

Many more people arrived at the Funeral...even some from far away places just to say goodbye. The old Order gave sad and sorrowful looks to Jesse's grave.

The crowd was saddened by the news. "Okay, settle down everyone" Gabriel went up the stage.

"I'd like to say a few words for Jesse, he was a brave warrior. He helped me escape but I knew he had to save his friend instead. But I completely understand, He tried to save everyone...from the destruction SOMEONE had caused" Gabriel gave a dirty look at Ivor.

"But he didn't mean to!" Someone screamed in the crowd, supposeldy Female.

"Moving on, Me and Ellie have something to say too" Magnus went up the stage with Ellegaard, as Gabriel went down the Stage.

"Jesse was a champ, a strong man. He never deserved to be killed. I regret the day I KIND OF killed him when he went to Boom Town" Magnus said, with sorrow.

"I agree with Magnus. He was a good man, He may seem a bit clumsy but I regret doubting him" Ellegaard said, in a sad tone in her voice.

"Hey, you. Any last words for Jesse?" Magnus looked at Ivor with hatred in his voice.

Magnus and Ellegaard went down the stage as Ivor went up but Magnus gave him a shove and made him trip.

The crowd giggled and chuckled secretly, as Ivor got up.

"You all may be wondering...why I am here? Or why am I not in bars? As you all may not notice, I used to be good friends with the old Order. But we disbanded. The truth is that...we lied about something. And that something is the defeat of the Ender Dragon"

The Crowd gasped. "The command block I used was the command block we used to defeat the Ender Dragon. I only made the Wither Storm to make the Order reveal the truth. Sure, what I did was very, very, very wrong but I did it for a reason. Now, if you will all excuse me" Ivor walked off the Stage.

Someone started clapping slowly in the back then a few more then the whole crowd clapped.

"Thank you everyone, for coming here today. We will now have to end the Ceremony" Petra said.

Then after that, most people left. Only Petra, Olivia, Axel, Rueben, and Lukas remained.

They all placed fresh flowers on Jesse's grave, even Rueben who was holding a small bouquet of Flowers in his mouth.

They all gave sorrowful looks. But then all of them heard a noise, like a bush rustling.

"Who's there?" Petra called out. No answer. "Show yourself!" Petra took out her sword.

"Wait, Petra. Let's not be violent just yet" Olivia said. Petra put away her sword.

"Hello...friends.." A familiar voice said behind them.

Everyone turned around to see, Soren.

"You! What are you doing here?" Petra asked, angrily. Since Soren ran away during the fight, they didn't really like him that much any more.

"Listen, I am really sorry. I was a coward. But I'll make it up to you all" Soren pleaded.

"How? You'll build us a house?" Petra said sarcastically.

"Just...can you all forgive me? Please..." Soren pleaded before looking down.

"You know guys...Maybe we should...he did help us" Lukas said. Petra sighed.

"Okay, fine. We forgive you" Petra said. "OH THANKYOU THANKYOU THANKYOU!!!" Soren hugged all of them.

"Er...okay, okay. Don't get carried away" Petra said.

They all went to town to find everyone inside. Since it was getting dark, they went to the House of the old Order. It was made of Cobblestone, redstone, and wood.

Lukas knocked on the door. And the door opened. "Oh, hey Lukas. What's up?" Magnus asked.

"Can we come in, we don't have a place to stay" Lukas asked. "Why not? Come in" Magnus opened the door wide. Lukas walked in, then Axel, then Olivia, Rueben, then lastly Petra and Soren.

Magnus gasped. "Soren?" He whispered. "Hello Magnus..." Soren said, not making eye contact.

They all went to the living room, where Gabriel, Ellegaard, and Ivor were.

"Soren!?" Gabriel, Ellegaard, and Ivor gasped.

"My dear friends...I am so sorry...for leaving and running away like a coward..." Soren said, sadly.

"It's fine. We forgive you, Soren" Ellegaard said. And besides, they were pretty close.

"Thank you..." Soren said.

A/N: Like if you get the feels.

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