Fast-Foward to the End

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Annabeth POV:

We have stayed up all night for the past week writing. It has been almost a year since we started Percy's autobiography, with me as the fabulous coauthor! I look over at Percy, who seems to be having fun "writing". Or should I say, writing something down and then staring down at his lap and smiling.

"Percy." He looks up a frozen smile slowly defrosting on his face. "Give me your phone."

Now, he is frowning. "Why?"


He hands it over. "Ok, ok! Here."

I take it from him and notice that he was texting Jason. "How is he?"

Percy takes the cap off of the actual pen and looks at me. "Jason? He's fine. Just a few more blessings and one more surgery and he'll be good as new."

I nod. A few months ago, we had to save him from two cyclops. He had a broken arm, a shattered elbow, and two swollen ankles. We were fortunate that Octavian had seen it coming in a stuffed owl. Poor owl. Now, Jason was almost better. Piper stayed with him in California to help Reyna make him better. Ambrosia and nectar weren't enough to heal him, so he's had to undergo quite a few surgeries. "Are the ankle surgeries over with?"

Percy nods. "Yeah. They got the dam infection out."


He looks at me. "What? I'm not cussing! It's just an inside joke I have with Grover, Thalia, and-and Zoë."

I nod. "Well, what is the inside joke?"

He chuckles. "When you tumbled off that cliff with the manticore-"

I feel myself shake and I take a deep breath to calm myself.

"-We went to the Hoover Dam and Zoë said that we should go to the dam snack bar."

"She said damn?"

He smacks his forehead. "D-A-M. Dam."

"Ohh!" I laugh now.

"Get it?"

I nod. "After so many years, yes."

He nods and smiles.

Later that night, we are both still awake and we are both finishing the last chapters of his book. I make a few changes to the....50th chapter. Or was it the 99th? I'm pretty sure I lost count after...... a pretty big number. Anyway, I put the chapter in the pile and wait for Percy to be done with the chapter he's writing. I look over at him. He's asleep. "Seaweed Brain?" I poke him in the side and he bolts up. "Oh good. You're not dead!"

He smiles. "I feel dead though." He frowns a little. "No, I shouldn't say that. We've been in Tartarus. Basically in death itself."

I shake my head. "Not a good memory."


I put my hand on his shoulder and look over it. "Done yet?"

He shakes his head. "No. Not yet."

I nod. "Ok."

After two hours, at 11:58, he's done. I have no idea how he stayed up that long to finish, but he did.



He nods. "Well I hope so. It took me like all day!"

I chuckle and take the chapter from him to check it. It takes another half hour for me to check it. "Looks good, Seaweed Brain."

He yawns and stretches. "Thanks. Now, let me put everything together and we can get to bed."

What is he talking about? It is all together. "Um. I put all the chapters in order! You don't have to-"

He cuts me off by shaking his head and going over to the hall closet. He opens the door and pulls out a piece of paper. "One more thing."

"What is that?" I reach for the paper, but he jerks his hand away.

"No! Not yet, Wise Girl! Don't look at it until we look at it tomorrow."

I cross my arms over my chest. "No."

"Yes. I am tired."

I walk over and block the exit. "Show it to me."

He smiles a little. "It's a surprise. But... If you insist."

He hands me the paper and I carefully take it and flip it over. "A dedication page? When did you make this?"

Percy shrugs and puts his hands in his pockets. "A while ago. It was going to be a big surprise, though."

I shake my head and read it over. "No. This is a big surprise. Wow."

I place it on the stack and hug him.

He hugs me back and soon he's kissing me. "Can we go to bed now?"

I nod. "Carry me?"

He smiles and scoops me up. "You're heavy. You know that?"

"Are you calling me fat?"

He shakes his head. "No!"


He smiles and walks to the bedroom. When we get in there, Percy plops me on the bed, picks up a pillow off the floor and throws it at me. "Have a pillow!"

I hold my hands out and catch it. "No. I think you should be the one having a pillow chucked at their face!" I throw it at him and he catches it.

"It's not my pillow." He throws it again.

"No. I insist."

"Not mine."

"Take it!"

"It's yours."

"I'm giving it to you."

"Is there a receipt?"


"It's not pretty enough."

"Oh well."

"I don't want it."

"No backsies!"

He holds it in his hand. "Ok. You win."

I smile. "I always win, Seaweed Brain. You should know that by now."

He chuckles and comes and sits by me. "Yeah. I know."

I snatch the pillow from his hands and put it on the bed. "Ok. I am taking your pillow."

"Why? Is it because of you take this one, I will be the winner?"

I don't answer that. I just smile and kiss him on the cheek.

Percy smiles too and lays down. "Goodnight, Wise Girl."

"Night, Seaweed Brain."

I close my eyes and am almost asleep before I have an amazing idea for the title for his book. I bolt upright and shake his shoulder. "Percy!"

"What?! What happened?!" He bolts up too.

I giggle. "Nothing. I just came up with an idea!"

"Why? Just..." He groans. "Talk to me. What is it?"

"I think the title for your book should be Percy Jackson and The Olympians."

He stares at me, clearly speechless. Finally he blinks. "That. Is. Good. Very good! I like your idea, Annabeth."

"Thank you! Now, let's go to sleep."

"Back to sleep." He lies back down and is soon drooling.

I'm so glad that we finished the book. I smile to myself then lay down and go to sleep myself.


A/N: Done! Or am I? Maybe I'm not done. Did you think of that? Hm? Do you want me to be done? Do you? Do ya do ya do ya? Ha! I'm just trollin with you! Wait. Did I use that right? Oh well. At least you don't have to wait a year.

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