My Idea

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A/N: Hi. This is my first fanfic on here and I really hope you like it!
Disclaimer: I am not Rick Riordan so I do not own these characters. Or anything else. This story takes place when Percy and Annabeth are like in their 20s or something.
Percy POV:
I run into our house ready to tell Annabeth about my idea.
I find her napping on the couch and go over to wake her. I have to tell her!
"Wise Girl! Get up! I gotta tell you something!" I say as I shake her shoulder.
"What is it Seaweed Brain?" She sits up and stretches.
I grin at her because it's such a good idea.
"I, Perseus Jackson, am going to write a book."
She stares at me for a little bit. Then she bursts out laughing.
"You? Write a book?" She laughs again. I can't believe she thinks I'm joking!
"I'm serious!" I lightly punch her in the arm. "I really want to write a book!"
She stops laughing and puts her serious face on. Gods, she's cute.
"Oh ok.So what is it gonna be about?"
I smile and hold her tight. "Can you guess?"
"Ummm..." She taps her finger on her chin. "'How to Train your Hellhound'? Because your good at that. Ooh! Is it 'The Proper way to Eat Blue Food'?"
This time we both start laughing.
"No, Wise Girl!" I kiss her head. "I'm going to write an autobiography."
She starts to smile. I put my hand over her mouth so she won't laugh again. "Don't. You. Dare."She pushes it away, but holds my hand in hers.
"I wasn't going to laugh, Percy! Although, that is going to be the BIGGEST book EVER!!"
We start laughing again and I'm really glad I told her about my idea.
A/N: First chapter is done! I don't know if anyone is going to read this but whoever does, I hope they like it!

Written Down with an Actual PenHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin