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A/N: I think I'm gonna stop putting my A/N up here. Anyway, here's the fourth chapter! :D
Percy POV:
I'm both happy and upset about writing the book.
I'm happy because Annabeth is helping me and we're almost done with chapter 2. We have a good system going on. She would write down some ideas or a paragraph, and I would write it in my own words because it IS an AUTObiography.
I'm upset because so far whenever I tell somebody about my book, they laugh!
That night, Annabeth and I were finishing up the chapter when I heard the phone ring. "I'll get it." I stand up and answer the phone. "Hello, you've reached Percy. Annabeth is too busy to answer. Can I take a-"
"Percy! Why can't you just say 'Hello?' Like a normal person!?!" The person on the other end sounds annoyed. I wonder if... No I've annoyed them enough.
"Sorry, but it's not my phone! By the way, to whom am I speaking to?"
"It's Frank."
"Oh hey, Frank! What's up?"
"Gas prices. The sky. Taxes. Percy, why would you- ohh. Sorry, I'm just kind of upset."
I laugh a little at what he said. "What's wrong, Frankie?"
I hear him sigh like he's annoyed by me again. "First of all, don't call me 'Frankie'. Second, Hazel's upset."
"What's that got to do with you? I thought you said that YOU were upset!"
"I am upset because SHE is upset."
"Why is-"
Frank cuts me off. "We have a room full of expensive rocks. That's how I know she's upset. I don't know wh-"
"Go ask her WHY she's upset instead of just wondering, please!"
*sigh* "Ok, Perce. Talk to you later."
I walk back over to Annabeth. "Here take a look at this." She hands me the chapter. "Just read from here to the end. Tell me what you think."
I look it over. It takes me a while to finish, but when I do, I notice something wrong. Something is missing. I hand it back to her.
"You missed a part."
She looks at the page and shakes her head. "No, I didn't. It tells about how you found out you were a demigod and how you came to camp. It-"
"It doesn't say how you said I drool in my sleep!"
"What? I thought I added that!" She hands me the papers. "You add it!"
I take the papers and pen from her and-after like 20 minutes- added it in. "There."
She looks at it and smiles. " Now you just have to make it into a chapter then we can go on to the next chapter."

*The next morning*

I wake up to the sound of pen on paper. "Annabeth? You're really writing down book ideas at-" I look over at the clock. "7:38 am? Seriously?" I look over at her and she smiles, but doesn't look up.
"Yes, Seaweed Brain. I just remembered some stuff and decided to write it down! Now don't interrupt me again or else."
I smirk at her. "Or else what?"
She looks up at me and glares. "You don't want to know. Now quit bothering me!"
I smile at her and kiss her cheek. "I'm gonna get ready." I get up and go into the bathroom to get ready for the day.
That afternoon, I got a call from Frank- Hazel's having "Daddy issues"-, a visit from the pizza delivery guy, and a trip to the laundromat right after lunch.
Annabeth's working on her blueprints, so I decide to draw the cover of my book. I am just adding the finishing touches when I hear a knock. "Knock, knock!"
"Who's there?"
"The boy on fire."
"Um... The boy on fire who?"
"Leo Valdez, the Boy on Fire!" He announces it like Ceaser Flickerman did for Katniss in The Hunger Games.
We both laugh for a little while until he says "So, can I come in? Or are we just gonna keep talking through a door? 'Cause if we are, this door will go up in flames. Literally."
I open the door and motion for him to come in. I go back over to the counter, which is where my drawing is.
"Hey, Boy who put out the Boy on Fire. What are you-"
"Wait. What did you just call me?"
He laughs a little. "Observe."
He starts to set himself on fire starting from his feet. The flames work fast and his whole body was on fire in no time.
I freak out because I'm afraid he's going to set something in the house- or the whole house!- on fire. I will water from the sink to put out the flames and douse Leo in water.
"See? Your the Boy who-"
"Yes. I get that, Leo!"
"Percy!" I turn around to see Annabeth standing by the sink. In her hand is part of the broken faucet. "If you keep breaking the sink, I'm not buying anymore parts for it! I already had to fix the pipes! You can fix THIS yourself! Here." She tosses me the broken faucet.
I think she's throwing it at me, so I dodge the piece of faucet. I hear someone curse in Greek and remember Leo standing there.
He rubs his forehead. "That hurt!"
Annabeth sucks in a breath then lets it out. "Sorry, Leo. I was trying to TOSS it to Percy. But he's got a brain full of kelp!"
I put up my hands defensively. "I though you were throwing it at me! So I just reacted!"
She glares at me. "Sure. Are you okay, Le-? Why in the name of Zeus are you all wet?"
He laughs then tells her the whole story.
"Oh. Well, umm, wow. Ok." Her emotions look mixed up, like she doesn't know whether to laugh or yell. "Let's get you dried up then. I'll go get you a towel."
"No need." He sets himself on fire again and the water goes up as steam. He pats out the flames and when they're gone, we see that he's dry.
"Wow!" Annabeth and I say in unison.
He picks up my sketch for the cover. "Cool drawing, Perce."
I take it back from him and set it back on the counter. "Thanks."
He tells us he has to go and leaves after that.
"How bout we work on the book?" Annabeth looks up at me and I have to smile.
"Ok." We start working on the book when I remember the broken sink.
Great. Another interruption!
A/N: Now, how was that one? Good? I hope it was! :D

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