Phone Buddies

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Leo POV:

When I heard the news that Percy got a phone, I called Annabeth right away to get his number.

"Leo, it's 6 in the morning. What could you possibly- you're not in my house, are you?!"

"No. And that was like a month ago! Let it go."

I hear her take a deep breath. "What do you want."

"Well, I heard that Percy got a phone..."

"Yeah. He got an iPhone. Why?"

I put my hands up."I need his number. Duh!"

"Oh. Ok." She told me his number two times so I could remember easier.

"Ok. Thanks Annie!"

"Don't call m-"

I hung up and put Percy's number into my phone. After that, I went into my messages and texted him.

Bad Boy Supreme: Hey Percy! I heard u got a phone!

Percy: you spelled "you" wrong and who is this?!

Bad Boy Supreme: I meant to do that. Oh! This is Bad Boy Supreme Leo.

Percy: Oh.

Bad Boy Supreme: Sup?

Percy: You spelled "soup" wrong

I shake my head. He doesn't he text language.

Bad Boy Supreme: Sup is short for whassup. U know what whassup means right?"

Percy: yes, Leo. I'm not stupid. And I was just joking.

Bad Boy Supreme: Oh. Well good. So whassup?

Percy: duh! The sky! Just kidding! Um... Nothing much actually. How about you?

Bad Boy Supreme: Oh nothing. I just set my pants on fire....OH MY GODS! MY PANTS ARE ON FIIIIIRRRREEE! GTG!

I pat down the flames and put on a new pair of pants. "And those were my good work pants!"

I toss them in the garbage and pick up my phone. I scroll through my contacts and randomly select a number.


It's Frank. I clear my throat and press the phone closer to my ear. "Frank! How ya doin?"

"What do you want Valdez?"

"What? You don't want to talk to your best friend, Leo?"

"One, you're not my best friend. Hazel is. And two, if you don't answer my question, then I'm hanging up."

"Frank! Buddy! Don't go! I just wanted to have a chitchat!"

I hear him sigh on the other end. "About?"


"What do you want to 'chitchat' about?"

"Oh. Right. Hey! Did you hear the news?"

"What news?"

"Percy got a phone."

"He did? Finally! What's his number."

I quickly tell Frank his number and wait for him to put it in his phone. "Do you have a Phone Buddy?"

"A what?"

I shake my head, even though he can't see me. "Not a what. A who."

"A who?"

"A Phone Buddy. It's a friend that you.... I don't really know, but do you have one?"

Written Down with an Actual PenWhere stories live. Discover now