Tag You're It!

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Percy POV:

This morning I got up early. Ok not THAT early, but I woke up before Annabeth. I quickly got ready,then started to write. I wanted to get as much done as I could so I could do something fun later today.

"Morning, Percy." Annabeth yawned and ruffled my already messed up hair. Then, she backed up to look at me and almost freaked out. "Percy?! What are you doing up so early?!"

I can't help but laugh. "Don't you wanna do something fun today?"

"Yes, but you're up early!"

"So are you saying it's a bad thing? Getting up early is bad? I can't get up early anymore?"

"No, it's not a bad thing! You probably should be getting up early. Wait. Didn't you say something about having fun?"

I shrug. "Yeah. If you want to. I mean if you don't, we can just sit here and write all day."

She nods. "Ok. We can do something later. Let's get to writing."

A couple hours later, we were almost done! With a chapter. I was bored of writing, but Annabeth and I were cracking up every time we proofread the chapters and saying "Remember when.." before laughing so hard.

At lunch, Annabeth's phone started to ring. She looked at the caller i.d. and did a spit take. "HAHAHA!"

She glares at me then answers the phone. "Ath- Mom?!

After hearing that, I take this opportunity to do my spit take. "Athena can call you?! How'd she get your- how is- they have phones?"

She shushes me and starts talking. "Why couldn't you Iris Message me?"

I lean in so I can listen. "What? Your mother can't be cool?"

"You're the goddess of WISDOM! I thought- no. I KNOW that you are smarter than this!!"

"I am. That's why we got those special phones that you use."

"Oh. Well, um... Why did you call?"

"Well, I just wanted to say...TAG! YOU'RE IT!!" She starts laughing and it's just weird.


"We're playing tag, my dear Annabeth!" Her voice drops to a whisper. "Zeus started it!"


"What? Gods can't be fun? Why don't we get all the fun?"

"You can be fun! It's just-"

"Remember to keep the game going! Ta-ta!"

Annabeth hangs up and drops her phone. I catch it just in time. "I caught it! It's all good!" I stand up and hand it to her. "Um... Are you ok?"

She looks at me and nods. "Yeah, I'm fine. It's just that....." She pokes me in the chest. "Tag! You, Percy Jackson, are it!"

I chase her around and almost get her but she screams "NO TAG BACKS!"

We both laugh and fall onto the couch. "Are we going to pass it on?"

She looks over at me and nods. "Definitely! Who should we-"

She never finishes that question because I'm already up and on the phone.

"Hello. You've reached Jason. I'm actually able to pick up the phone, unlike Annabeth who has her 'Seaweed Brain' pick it up for her. To whom am I speaking to?"

That just makes me mad! He stole my phone pickup line! You know? The line I say to pick up the phone? How could he do that?! "How could you do that?!"

Written Down with an Actual PenWhere stories live. Discover now