Alone...With Tyson, Mrs. O,Leary, and Grover

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Percy POV:

Writing is starting to get boring and it's all I've been doing for the last two days. I wish my Wise Girl was here! I'm all alone!

I sit at the table and write anyway, because I have nothing better to do. I'm really glad that I'm writing a book, but it can get boring.

Right as I'm finishing up a chapter, I hear a knock at the door. "Who is it?"


I know that voice. I'd know it anywhere. I leap up from my chair and run to the door. I open it and standing right in the doorway is my cyclops brother Tyson. "Hey, Tyson! How have you be-" He picks me up and starts swinging me around.

"Brother! I have missed you!"

"Tyson. Put me....put me down! Please!"

He drops me and I fall on my butt. "Sorry." He helps me up and smiles down at me.

"It's ok, big guy!" I motion for him to come in and he does. He sees the couch and sits down on it. "What are you doing here, Tyson?"

He looks around with his eye. "You have a nice house! I'm here, because I've missed you and Daddy said it was ok to come visit you."

I chuckle. "Well that's good!I've missed you, too."

Then, he stops looking around and stares at me, his eye getting wide. "I left Mrs. O'Leary in the front."

"You brought Mrs. O'Leary with you?"

He nods. "Yes! But we have a problem. She won't be able to fit through the doggy door!"

I look at the door and remember that it has a little dog door on it. I laugh a little. "Tyson, she can come in through the big door."

"She can?"

I nod and he gets up to let her in. She comes bounding through the door and almost knocks me down when she sees me. "WOOF!"

"I missed you, too, girl! Sit!"

She goes over and sits down on the couch, taking up ALL of the space. "I meant for you to- Oh never mind! You can sit on the couch!"

Tyson laughs at her and pets her on the head. Then, he walks into the kitchen and opens the fridge. The door almost comes off and he looks at me apologetically. He doesn't find anything so he sits down at the table and looks around again. "Where is Annabeth?"

"In Japan."

He stares at me. "Japan?"

I nod. "Yep."

"Oh. Do you have any peanut butter?"

I nod and look in the cupboard for it. I find the jar of blue peanut butter and set it on the counter. "Do you want a peanut butter sandwich?"

He nods really fast.

I chuckle a little. "Ok."

After making him a sandwich, I sit back down and get back to writing. Right as I'm starting another chapter, I hear another knock. I get up and open the door. "Hey, Grover."

He waves a little. "Hi."

"Why did you decide to come here?"

He shrugs. "I'm bored that's why."

"Oh. Well come on in. I would say sit on the couch, but it's full at the moment."

"Percy, how many peop-" He stops right in front of Mrs. O'Leary and she licks his face. "Oh. Your dog's here."

I nod. "Yeah."

"Well how about we just sit in the kitchen."

"That's right where I was heading actually!"

We both start laughing and when I go into the kitchen I see a mess. "Tyson!"

He's not here.

"Tyson? He's here?"

I nod. "Tyson? Where are you, big guy?"

He pokes his head out from under the table. "Hi!"

"What are you-"

"GROVER!!" He jumps up so fast that the table goes flying. He runs over to Grover and hugs him. "I have missed you!"

"Yeah....I've. Mis-missed you.....too!" Tyson puts him down and pats Grover's horns. Grover takes his hand and pushes Tyson's away.


He looks at me. "Yes?"

"What in the name of Zeus were you doing?!"

He looks over at the table, then back at me. His eye starts to get teary and he starts to sniffle. "Your pen fell!" He holds up my actual pen and I take it from him.

"Then why is the kitchen a mess!?"

He looks around the kitchen. "Um. I was trying to find more peanut butter, because I ate it all."

"Oh. Ok. I'll buy some more later, ok?"

He nods. "Ok. Let me help you clean!"

Grover steps next to him and says "I know I didn't make this mess, but I'll help, too."

I smile. "You guys are awesome!"

After the mess is cleaned up, I still have a broken table. "I'm sorry, Percy."

I pat Tyson on his arm. "It's ok. I'll have Leo come over tomorrow so can fix it."

Since there's nowhere to sit inside, I lead everyone outside to the backyard. Tyson tells us stories about his job. He had to make 5,000 weapons in one day for the mermaids and stuff.

"Mermaids use swords?"

"Brother, most are not ladies."

I nod. "Oh. So, was it fun making weapons?"

He shakes his head. "Not really. Daddy got mad, because the weapon making stuff cost too much."

"It cost too much? B-but he's a god!" Grover stared at Tyson. "NOTHING costs too much for them!"

"It's ok, Grover. Maybe my dad has a good explanation for why the material cost too much. Did he have an explanation?"

Tyson nods and begins telling us, but Mrs. O'Leary comes running over to him with a small tree in her mouth. "Stick!" He takes the stick and throws it. "Fetch!"

She runs after it trying to find it and he turns back to us. "Daddy likes to save up so he can buy.... I don't know what he wants to buy. He just wants to save up."


He nods. "Oh! I also made Ella a helmet!"

"You did? Why?"

"Her sisters kept hitting her head! They are mean."

"Well that was nice of you."

"Yes. It was." He smiles really big. "I also got Ella some new books!"

I smile too. "That's cool."

After playing fetch with Mrs. O'Leary, we all head inside and I turn on the tv. "What do you guys want to watch? I'm gonna write so you can watch whatever you want."

Grover looks over at Tyson. "What do you want to watch?"

Tyson's not paying attention. He's too busy pushing the remote buttons. He finally lands on a channel that talks about Greek mythology. "Ooh look! It's Daddy!"

I look at the screen and see a statue of Poseidon. "Yep."

I leave them in the living room and go sit at the counter to write. I'm all alone. With Tyson and Grover in the living room. And Mrs. O'Leary in the backyard.


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