IMing my Wise Girl

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Percy POV:
Today is the day. I am going to Iris Message Annabeth! As soon as I find a drachma. I know that we should have some but I have NO idea where Annabeth would put them. Probably somewhere safe.
After searching the ENTIRE house, I finally find one. It was in the kitchen, which isn't safe from a certain son of Hephaestus.
I go outside and turn on the hose. I put a zip tie on the trigger so I don't have to hold it and set it to mist. Then, I find the perfect place for it and it makes a small rainbow. "Good enough."
I toss the drachma in and say "Oh Iris, goddess of the rainbow, please accept my offering."
After a little while, Annabeth shows up. "Hey what's that?" A man stands up and looks at the Iris message. Annabeth stands up too and pushes him out the door. "Nothing, Jamie! Could you just wait here?"
"No problem."
"Thank you." She closes the door and runs back. "Hi."
"Hey. Who was that?"
"My partner, Jamie. He is so annoying!"
"Heard that!"
She groans and gets up. I don't hear what she's saying, but I know it's a threat. "So, how's Japan?"
She shrugs. "Oh you know. Kawaii EVERYWHERE, and lots of meetings. Other than that it's fun."
"What's kawaii?"
She picks up a piece of paper and on it is a drawing of a cute piece of watermelon. "Something like this."
"Aww. That's so cute!" It isn't really. I'd rather eat it. I don't trust cute things. "I want to eat it."
She starts laughing and I do too.
She starts to say something, but we both hear a knock. At first, I think it's from my door, but it turns out to be from Annabeth's door. "Annabeth! Why is Jamie out here NOT working? You two are supposed to design the statues together! Now get off the phone and get to work!"
Annabeth rolls her eyes and I hear her curse under her breath. "Well, I better go. I really don't want Alex to fire me!"
I smile. "Love you."
She smiles back. "Love you, too."
Her image fades and I sit there for a little longer. I wish she were here.
A little rainbow appears in my bedroom. I look at it and I see Annabeth's gray eyes staring back at me. They look scared. "Annabeth?"
The image gets smaller and then focuses on a monster. I gasp. "Kampe."
She makes a noise that sounds like laughter. "Hello again, demigod."
"What have you done with Annabeth?!"
She laughs again. "Nothing! Well, not yet anyway. I'm just watching over her for a little while. So, you better hurry!"
The image disappears and I wake up in a cold sweat.
A/N: Wow would you look at that! A cliffhanger! Now I'm going to leave you hanging! MUAHAHAHA! Just kidding! I'll update soon. XD

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