Don't Go!

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Annabeth POV:

"Yes, I would love to do the job! I'll pick them up Thursday. Thank you!" I hang up the phone and set it down.

"Who dat?" Percy plops down across from me on the bed. His face is stuffed with blue candy from a big bowl of it in his hands.

I shrug. "Oh. You know. Work."

He raises an eyebrow. "And.... What did they want?"

I sigh. I didn't want to tell him about my big job until later. I kinda wanted it to be a surprise, but now I HAVE to tell him. "I, uh, have a big project or a, er, job that I have to do and it's in... Japan."

He stares at me with his mouth hanging open and candy starts falling out of it. He tries to say something, but all that comes out is "Whaaa?"

"And they already bought the tickets, so I have to go."

His eyes get big and hopeful."Boat tickets?"

I shake my head and sigh again. "No. Plane tickets."

He starts shaking his head really fast. "No no no no no!! You HAVE take a boat!"


"Because, one, I don't like flying, and two, I'll know your safe."

"Percy, they already bought the plane tickets and I told them I would do the job. Besides, I'm not scared of flying."

He shakes his head and his eyes start to narrow. "Fine. If you won't take a boat, then I'm not letting you go at all."

"Percy, I already told you! I-"

He cuts me off by yelling "YOU WILL BE MY PRISONER!!!"

"No! I HAVE to do this! If I go to Japan to do this we will get lots of money, and if I don't, I could lose the best job EVER!"

He starts to pout. "Ok. But I thought the best job EVER was putting up with the most adorable guy ever!"

We both start laughing and he pulls me into his arms. "I don't want you to go! When are you leaving?"

I look up at him. "Next week."

He stares at me. "Which day of next week?"


He counts out the days on his fingers. "That's 8 days away! How long are you staying there?"

I think about it. "Well, they want me to design a pretty big building and I think my boss said I'll be there for a week and a half."

He squeezes me in a bone crushing hug. "That's too long! That's too many days without my Wise Girl!"

I can't breathe, because he's squishing me so tight. "Can't. Breathe. Please. Let go!"

He releases me and looks at me while I catch my breath. "Are you ok?"

I nod. "Yeah."

"Sorry. It's just that I'm going to miss you so much!"

"I'll miss you, too."

*Next Thursday*

I stare at the plane ticket in my hand. I really don't want to leave Percy in 2 days, but I know I have to do this. I know I have to go to Japan and get the job done.

Another downside to this situation is that I'll be away from Olympus and what if the gods need me to design another building because it got destroyed!? What if... I probably shouldn't stress. I want to try to have fun on this trip.

Written Down with an Actual PenWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt