Monsters in Tokyo

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Annabeth POV:

Last night, I had a dream, no a nightmare! I woke up this morning shivering and crying. So, today I am going to keep my guards up and an eye on everything.

"Hey hey hey! It's Annabeth!"

I jump and turn around. "Whoa! Are you planning on killing me with that pen?"

"Shin! You scared me!"

He chuckles. "Jumpy, are we? You know, if you wanted to kill me, a celestial bronze dagger or sword would work."


He lunges at me and I notice that he had grown bigger and into a different creature all together! He grabs me by the waist and throws me over his shoulder. I scream and kick his face. He turns to look at me, and I notice that his face is a lion. "Manticore."

"Oh so you recognize me."

"I thought- you- last time I saw you, you were a different man. How did you-"

He squeezes me and growls. "Shut up!"

I twist in his grasp and manage to get out. I fall off of him and roll. I roll underneath him and stab him with the pen. He falls and that gives me enough time to get my dagger. He stands and roars. The mortals don't know what's going on though. Some cheer and some scream. "Get out now! Everyone evacuate!" I repeat those words and everyone runs to the nearest exit. "It's just you and me."

I hear a hiss. "Oh. Is that what you think?"

I turn around and see Kampe. Shin- I should probably call him the Manticore- comes up behind me and grabs me. He then turns to Kampe and growls "I want you to watch her, make sure she doesn't go anywhere. If I'm not back in a few hours, kill her."

Kampe smiles and nods. I try to fight, but Manticore has a harder grip on me than before. He throws me in front of Kampe. She raises her sword, and I pass out.

I wake up in a prison cell . I try to move, but I can't. I hold up my hands to find that they are bound together. My feet are chained to the bars and I feel like crap.

Kampe comes over and stares into my cell. "Daughter of Athena. We meet again."

"You know if you wanted to just chitchat, you could untie me and stuff and we could go get some coffee."

She slams into the bars. "Silence! I don't want to hear another word from you!"

I glare at her and she turns around. "Your little boyfriend, Percy, is going to save you isn't he? Just like he always does." She comes back to me and snarls. "He doesn't know this is-" she smiles. "A trap! Does he know that?"

I don't say anything.


"I don't know."

She laughs and turns around. "He will try to save you. He will fail, though." She turns her head and smiles at me. "Percy Jackson will die. Along with Annabeth Chase." She tilts her head back and laughs. Then, she leaves.

How does she know that Percy is coming? I don't know that, but I do know one thing. He will not fail.

Percy POV:

"Man I hate planes! I hate them so much! Gods get me off of this thing!"

I do NOT like planes. Not one bit. And I just happened to be on one! I complain almost the entire time.

"I don't like planes either." I turn around and see a woman with a dog on her lap. Her and her dog look familiar, but I can't put my finger on where I've seen her. "Are you going to Tokyo, too?"

Written Down with an Actual PenWhere stories live. Discover now