The Boy who ate the Cake

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Leo POV:

I was just walkin along when I saw Percabeth's house. It was like 3 in the morning, so I didn't need to knock, right? Besides, I was starving and they would totally understand why I was "borrowing" food! I took out my lock picking kit out of my trusty, magical tool belt and begin working on the lock. "And I am in!"

I try to walk into their house silently, but the floorboards creek under my feet. I tiptoe into the kitchen and open the refrigerator door. I blink at the sudden light, but after my eyes adjust, I see the perfect late night/REALLY early morning snack. A blue chocolate cake with matching blue frosting!

I take a -clean! Don't worry it's clean!- knife out of my tool belt and cut off a few slices. "Score!"

I close the fridge door and two of the delicious pieces of cake enter my mouth.

A tiny part of my brain is thinking "You are going to ruin your sexy image eating all that cake!"

The rest of my brain is like "CAKE!! OM NOM NOM!!"

I hear a door open-their bedroom door to be exact- and hear footsteps. I throw the rest of my cake into my tool belt and run- quietly- out the door. I run to the open kitchen window to spy on whoever got up.

"Of course! It just had to be Percy!" I curse silently to myself, hoping he doesn't notice his missing cake.

He walks over to a cupboard and takes out a glass the fills it up with water without even touching the sink or anything! I wish I could do that, but I'm glad that Hephaestus is my dad. If he wasn't, I wouldn't be the Boy on Fire!

Next, Percy makes my worst dream come true! He opens the fridge-

Then closes it. "Phew! That was close!" I wipe the sweat off my brow. He must not have been hungry!

It looks as if Percy had JUST remembered that he had a glass of water, because he walks over to it and begins chugging it down.

When he's done, Percy puts the glass in the sink and walks back to his room. After I knew for sure that he was back in his room, I leave their house skipping along the sidewalk like a little girl, while stuffing cake into my mouth.

*the next morning*

I wake up to the sound of a phone ringing. "UGH! Why won't anyone let me have my beauty sleep!?" I pick up the phone and almost have a heart attack when I look at the caller i.d. Percy Jackson. Hopefully, he just wants to have a little chitchat. "Hey, Percy! How-"

"I know you took some of my cake, Valdez!"

"Who said I snuck into your house at 3-" I try that sentence again. "Who said I stole your cake?"

"Well, let's see. Annabeth knows NOT to touch my blue food, I called Jason, Frank, Piper, Hazel, even Grover and they all said 'No, we did not touch your blue cake.' You want to explain why half of my cake is gone, Boy on Fire? Because soon, your gonna be That Soaking Wet Boy!"

*Sigh* "Ok, you got me. I did take some cake."

"Are you prepared? Because-"

"I have a very good explanation!" I tell him the whole story of what happened last night. "So I guess you could call me the Boy who ate the Cake am I right?" I laugh nervously.

"What made you think it was okay to break into my house!?!"

I sigh. "I already told you! I was hungry! I was so hungry that I could've eaten a hor- I mean a wha- I mean a pig. A whole entire pig. Or maybe a gallon of enchiladas. Or a-"

"You're still getting soaked."

I try to talk him out of soaking me. "But-"

"No buts! I'm coming NOW, Valdez! You better be ready!"

I hear a click and I put the phone down. Well, there goes my idea of talking him out of dousing me!

After sitting there for like 15 minutes, my phone rings again.

I pick it up without looking at the caller i.d. and answer in a ridiculous voice."Smello?"

"Leo? It's Annabeth."

What did she want? To yell at me like Percy did? "Oh. Hi Annabeth."

"I just wanted to say... WHAT THE HADES WERE YOU THINKING? BREAKING INTO MY HOUSE LIKE THAT?!?!?!?! Also, I'm sorry that you're going to have to be soaked."

"Um... Ok?"

"Yeah. You made a big mistake taking Percy's blue food."

"Didn't you hear what happened? I-"

She cuts me off. "Yes. I did, Leo. And I'm very disappointed in you! You kn-"

I couldn't take it anymore! I didn't want to talk! "Sorry, Annabeth! I gotta go..uh.. Kill a big spider!"

She gasps. "Smash it good." Her voice sounds deep and deadly.

"I will!" I hang up after that.

"Well, at least there really is no spider!" I say to myself. I was so wrong! I get up and go into the bathroom and see a HUGE spider hanging out in the sink.

"AWW COME ON!" It seems as if I just jinxed myself! I wanted to light it on fire, but burning spider probably won't smell so good. I take a bunch of toilet paper, wad it up, and squish the thing. "Ew!"

I leave the bathroom just in case anymore are in there. They might ruin my manly image.

As I'm getting some breakfast, I hear a knock at the door. "Knock, knock!"

"Who's there?"


I gulp and hope he didn't hear that. "Percy who?"

"Percy, your worst water nightmare."

I go over and open the door and am greeted with a blast of cold water. "That was-" I smile. "I needed a shower!"

He rolls his eyes. "Sure you did." Then, he leans over and whispers "If you come and break into my house again, you will be getting the same punishment. If you touch my blue food again, you will get this punishment and worse. Do you want that?"


"Good." He then turns around and leaves, leaving me standing there like a soaked idiot in my own doorway.

I don't like my new title- the Boy who ate the Cake- anymore. I guess I will always be the Boy on Fire!


A/N: How was that? Please comment your thoughts on this chapter!

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