Percy gets a Phone

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Annabeth POV:

After getting home from the plane ride, I immediately go to sleep. I barely made it out of the living room, I was so sore and tired. I had to be carried into the bedroom.

The next morning, I got up and a brilliant idea popped into my head. Percy was already up, so I didn't have to wake him.

"Hey, Wise Girl."

"Morning." I sit down next to him and take a deep breath. "Do you- would you want to get a phone?"

His eyes grow big and he hesitates, then nods. "Yeah. I would really like one, its just-"

I quickly interrupt him. "We can get one of the special ones. You know, the ones-"

He nods. "I know."

"So, do you wanna go get one?"

"You know it!"

I smile and hug him. "Okay. So, when do-"

"But first, I wanna just relax and- Oh my gods! What happened to your face?"

I feel my face and wince when I find the cut from Kampe's poison sword. "Kampe. I'll be fine."

He shakes his head. "The poison needs to come out."

"I'm fine! It's just a cut. How about I go wash it, huh?"

I get up and go into the bathroom. That's when I notice how bad my face is. A long gash goes from my nose to my forehead and the areas around it are bruised. I clean it up and go back into the living room. "All clean!"

Percy looks at it and gives me a dry smile. "It still looks kinda bad. Sorry I didn't notice it before."

"It's not your fault. How bout we just relax this morning. We can watch a movie."

He nods. "You can pick it out. I'll get the popcorn."

I smile. "Okay."

I go over to the movie shelf and pick a case. All the ones next to it fall off. I groan and lean down to pick them up. One has come out of its case, so I pick it up and look at the title. "Charlotte's Web" is what it says. I scream and throw the disc. It gets stuck in the wall and I don't feel like going over there to get it out. Percy comes in and sees the mess. "What happened?"

"Oh." I look down and start picking up some movie cases. "Some movies fell." I look up and see that he's on the other side of the room.

"What's this doing over he- oh. I'll just get rid of this one. You REALLY wouldn't like it."

I shake my head. "Banish it! Why do people make movies about-" I shiver. "Spiders anyway?"

He shrugs. "Don't know. Maybe they just want to torture kids if Athena."

"Percy!" I slap him on the arm and he starts laughing. "Not funny!"

He pulls me into a hug and stops laughing. "Sorry. I was just joking."

"It's ok, Seaweed Brain."

He smiles and lets me go. "So, what movie?"

I bite my finger nail and look. "Ummm...."

"Pick with your eyes closed."

"Ok." I close my eyes and feel the movies, but it's hard to pick a movie with your eyes closed if you have memorized every movie on that shelf. I move my hand down to another shelf and grab a random movie. "The Avengers." it read. I pop it into the DVD player and sit on the couch. That's when I remember that the remote is on the shelf. All the way on the other side of the room. So far away. So...far. I stretch my arm out and reach. Still too far.

"Are you ok?" I look over and see Percy trying not to laugh.

"The remote. It's.... It's so....far! Can't...reach it! Need a... Seaweed Brain to get it."

He laughs a little and shakes his head. "I'm gonna start calling you Lazy Girl now!"

"No. You aren't."

"Hey! I was joking. So, what movie?"

I smile. "You'll see."

After the movie- Percy loved that I picked The Avengers- we write for a little bit and then we go get Percy a phone.

"Can I get an iPhone?"


He looks at me like I live under a rock. "HELLO! Everyone has one! You have one. Leo has one. Piper has one. My dad has one."


He chuckles a little. "Just joking about my dad. But I still REALLY want one!"

I wish he would just get a normal phone and then get a smartphone, but NOOO. He just has to have an iPhone! "Can't you just have a regular phone."

He pouts. "But you don't!"

"Well, I-"


I shake my head. "No."


The traffic light turns red. I hit the brakes and turn to look at him. "Why can't-" I stop because he his pouting, and when he pouts he looks like a baby seal. A cute baby seal with big eyes and- "Fine! You can have an iPhone!"

He smiles and gives me a kiss on the cheek. "Yay!"

"Yay? Did you just-"

He puts his hand up. "Girl, I can say what I want!"

I giggle and look over at him. "Ok, Persassy!"

*Moments later*

"I want this case!"

"I thought you wanted this one!"

"Changed my mind."

I groan. "Fine! I'll go put this one back."

I walk back over to where I found the "perfect case" and see a case I like. It's gray and has an owl on it. Perfect for a daughter of Athena! I pick it up and bring it to him. "Well, I want this one."


After getting his phone, we head straight to camp to have the monster-proof thingamabob put in it.

"Kids these days and their technology!" I see Chiron walk over and shake his head. "What's wrong with Iris Messaging?"

I shrug. "It's a new day and age."

His eyes grow big. "You're still going to use Iris Messages, right?"

I nod. "Of course!"

He nods. "Good. Good."

While in the car, Percy downloads lots of apps onto his phone. "Whoa! How many games are you getting?"

"A few."

"Please don't get too many."

"I won't. Gods! You sound like my mother!"

"Are you happy with your phone?"

He nods. "Yep!"

"That's good." I smile at him and keep smiling. I'm so glad he's happy!


A/N: Yay! Percy got a phone!(yes I did say "Yay") Comment and vote!

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