[NaLu] Glistening, Silent Ruins

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A/N: Hmm. I guess I felt like doing something more apocalyptic-ish... It'd probably be best if you were familiar with the most recent arc if you don't like spoilers.

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Lucy stumbled back, slowly looking around the scene before her. It was gone, all of it. The guild, the buildings, the trees... even the canal was impossible to see among all the rubble.

Lucy snapped her head around. Surely there was something, someone out there...? She cupped her hands around her mouth.

"Hello?! Anybody?!"

No response. She tried again.

"Anybody?! Anybody, PLEASE!!"

Slowly, she staggered foward, desperately calling for her friends and comrades. How had this happened? How were they not strong enough for the Spriggan Twelve...

With each passing moment, Lucy knew that the chances of her finding anyone were growing increasingly slim. Arriving at the top of what was once a building,  she abruptly stopped. This wasn't Magnolia. There was no possible way.

Not even the conflict in Crocus could be compared to the destruction that laid out before her. The land scape had been turned into a mesh of cobblestone grey and wooden brown against the cool night sky. She was a lone sailor, standing in a sea of destruction and failure. Lucy straightened her wounded figured and took one defiant step forward-


"Huh?" She whipped her head around, looking for the source of the voice. No one.


She yelped as she lost her footing and began to tumble down the ruins.


A figure shot out and grabbed Lucy by the back of her shirt just as she prepared to face plant with the desolate ground. Her eyes widened as she felt the cool air bite her skin, suddenly far above the ground. Lucy dared to look up--

"Happy! You're okay!" Tears pricked in her eyes as she took in her tattered but ever present friend. He snarkily grinned down at her and cried,

"Aye! And you're really heavy!"

Lucy couldn't help but softly smile at the exceed's familiar antics. If he was safe, then surely the others were...

"Happy," Lucy asked worriedly, "Where's Natsu?"

Happy grimaced and tightened his grip on Lucy's shirt.

"I don't know."

What? How did he not know?

Lucy's stomach dropped. So there really was no guarantee that anyone was truly safe. Quite frankly, none of them were safe as long as Zeref was around.

Happy slowly began his descent into the outskirts of the forest as he added,

"We got separated when Natsu ran off to go face Zeref again..." his voice quivered, "Even though he knows he can't..."

Lucy smiled sadly as her feet gently hit the ground.

"It's okay Happy... it's not your fault."

"Aye." he wiped the tears out of his eyes.

There was a moment of soothing silence as they took in their surroundings. The forest had remained mostly untouched, with a distinct lack of wildlife. It was all a soft and quiet green, swirling with the starless, indigo sky up ahead. It was... calming, to say the least.

"Happy," Lucy questioned quietly, "What are we doing here?"

"Huh? Oh!" Happy looked up from his moment of sorrow and into Lucy's eyes.

"I'm taking you to the others!"

"What," Lucy replied dumbly, in slight disbelief that there were others.

"Aye," Happy cried, now grinning, "We're not done just yet!"

Lucy nodded enthusiastically. "Alright then, lead the way. It's time for our comeback!"

She really hoped that the little exceed standing before her didn't notice her concern for Natsu's wellbeing. How could he just charge off not one, but two times? Why did he think that he could face the black wizard and mortal enemy of Mavis on his own? It didn't make sense... it was as if he did it all to test her heart.

Lucy shot one last look over her shoulder as she began to head deeper into the forest, absorbing the ruins of her home one last time. She flicked her head back around before she stopped abruptly. Was that... Natsu?

She turned back around. Yes, yes it was!

He stood atop the rubble, pink locks swaying in the breeze.

"Happy," Lucy whisper cried, "Happy, look!"

"Huh?" The blue exceed lazily turned around as his own eyes fell in his partner.

"It's Natsu!"

"Mmhm." Lucy looked over at Natsu's strong figure among all the rubble as if it was an illusion, that he would disappear if she looked away again. Slowly, he raised his arm high above his head and made the Fairytail symbol. Just as Lucy did the same in return, he promptly turned around and made his way out of sight.

She was confused. It was one of the many events that she simply unable explain of late. She couldn't tell if Natsu was reassuring her, trying to get her to follow, or if he was simply leading her on.

Whatever the case, Lucy had to admit that Natsu was a sight for sore eyes among the glistening, silent ruins.

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A/N: Welp, that sucked. Sorry. The next one'll be better, promise.

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