[Jerza] Shining Dusk, Burning Dawn

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It was an endless cycle. A shining, putrid dusk, followed by the abyssal night. There was no sunrise or daytime, just varying levels of uncertainty. That was the nature of Jellal and Erza's relationship.

All those years ago, when the two had bonded within the tower of heaven, that was the dusk. Shining, brilliant... false. When Jellal was possessed, that was the night. Dark, abissmal, lonely. Even painful.

After Erza's return to the tower that had taken away so much, and she believed that she had freed Jellal, that was the gloomiest dusk. The hope was never true, and Jellal betrayed Erza's trust just as quickly as he had earned it. Jellal had recreated night, one with no stars to guide the wondering Erza, no moon to help himself.

And so the cycle continued. It was ever present during and after the Nirvana incident, just as Erza foolishly hoped that all was well. Hell, it could even be felt by both parties during the fight against Grimoire Heart on Tenrou. But nothing compares to what happened on that night.

The evening before Team Natsu's departure for the Grand Magic Games was so close to being the resolution. The sky literally shone and even resemble sunrise, a stage oh so missing from the couple's lives. Glitter rained down from the heavens, and even gravity pulled through to help the lovers unite. There were almost there... it was almost perfect... close... so close...

Jellal couldn't bring himself to do it. He pulled himself away from Erza's lips as punishment to himself, and uttered those simple words that plunged the world into darkness once more.

 "I have a fiancé."

What he didn't realize was that his lie had hurt Erza just as much as he had hurt himself. That he had been hurting her for the whole time.

~Le time skip~

Erza sighed. Time had passed since then. Their issues had been set aside since than, her and Jellal. The Grand Magic Games had come and gone, taking the ackwardness and inhibitions with it and leaving only anticipation. Naturally, it was from wondering when their next meeting would be.

But now was now. And now was time to chill.

Erza removed herself from the hotel bathtub and her train of thoughts. She had just completed an S-class quest they specifically asked for her. The job was taking down a dark guild that he'd been terrorizing a city in the mountains, and the mayor decided to have a festival to show his gratitude.

"Well, I see no reason not to enjoy this!" Erza requipped into an kimono that revealed a considerable amount of cleavage before heading out into the festivities.

The festival was truly stunning. Bright lights, fun activities, performances, food. Anything that one could possibly imagine being at a festival was present, and possibly even more. Erza looked around the stunning city that had virtually been a ghost town when she arrived.

"Miss Erza," the children called as they ran and dance around, "Come play with us!"

Erza simply smiled and politely declined before sending the children on their way to do who knows what. Now was simply not the time. Right now, she simply wanted to experience the festival by her own devices.

"Wow," she breathed as she soaked in all the sites, "The mayor went all out, didn't he? The guys would've loved this."

Yeah, even Jellal would've appreciated this...

Wait, what? Where did Jellal come from? When Erza said guys, Jellal was in no way apart of that. Or this.

"I'm going to enjoy this without him!," the now flustered Mage declared, gaining quizzical looks in the process.

Those looks were ignored. Just so you know.

~A timeskip and another break in the flow~

Much later, after the jovial children had retired for the night, a firework show began. Erza found herself standing on an oldly empty and rustic bridge. She sighed and leaned on the railing as she watched the magnificent display. It was so calm... a stark contrast from the rowdiness of her guild. It was just like-

"What're you thinking so hard about?"

Erza's head snapped to the figure that she had failed to notice approach her before smiling softly. She leaned back on the railing.

"You, actually."

"Really? About what?," Jellal turned towards Erza as he asked the question.

Erza paused, not wanting to give an answer that revealed too much. "Just how you would probably enjoy this."

Yeah, let's go with that...

"Anyways, what're you doing here? Is Meredy with you?"

Jellal seemed dissatisfied with the change of subject.

"Well, we were here to take down the dark guild that was located near here, but I'm guessing you took care of that.

Erza nodded in response.

So you'll find him wherever the dark guilds reside. Makes sense.

There was a pause in the conversation, a silence. It wasn't an uncomfortable silence, like one would expect, but would you would see with those who had a mutual understanding.

"It's nice to be able to talk like this again," Jellal suddenly confided, "It's nice to be with you again."

Erza didn't bother looking up at him. "Yeah... I must say that I appreciate what we have."

Jellal turned towards Erza. "And what's that?"

"Our stupid, broken cycle. The one that I love almost as much as you."

In a cycle of darkness and hope, a burning, light filled dawn can always be appreciated.

A/N: I said I wanted to do something fluffy, and then made this. Probably because my original story didn't save for some reason. I blame Wattpad.

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