[Gruvia] All in the Details

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A/N: Huhuhu, I'm in a good mood~ I kinda imagine this when Juvia had short hair, aka Fantasia.

Three days.

That's how long Gray had been home in bed rest. With Juvia cooing over him.

Because apparently no one else was available.

"The one time I get sick, they all disappear... well, most of them..."

"Does Gray-sama need anything?", Juvia chirped from the kitchen.

Gray recoiled. "No!", he replied quickly, "I'm fine!"

"Okay! Juvia will be ready when Gray-sama needs her~". She happily hummed as she continued to prepare dinner for her beloved.

The humming tingled in Gray's ears as he stared at the ceiling, a look of disdain scrawled on his face. Juvia was the last thing he needed. Right now, he just wanted to rest.

But he couldn't just send Juvia away. As annoying as she could be at times, she was still his friend. Gray had to consider her feelings. Plus, Erza's words echoed in his head:

"Juvia is going to help you, whether you like it or not! If I hear one bad thing from Juvia, you'll never go on a job again!"

He sweatdropped as he recalled the sword that Erza had held to his neck when he tried to refuse. It wasn't as if Juvia would ever say something bad about him...

"Gray-sama, dinner is ready! Please eat while it is still warm!"

Juvia had a deft hand when it came to cooking. She was pleased to learn that she had an aptitude for it; she wanted to make the best food possible for her Gray-sama. Juvia had spent a considerable amount of money getting the finest ingredients, so she desperately hoped that Gray would like her meal.

When Gray sat down at the table, he was met with a pleasant surprise: stew. No strange bentos or elaborate recreations of his face - just stew. He couldn't help but raise his eyebrow at the normal meal. Surely there was something wrong with it... The expectant look on Juvia's face only served to unsettle him even more.

When he finally gathered enough courage to take a spoonful of the stew, he was met with another surprise-it was delicious! A surprised look found its way to Gray's face.

"Wow, Juvia! This is great!"

The said girl's face lit up with glee. Just the reaction she was hoping for!

"You really think so, Gray-sama?," Juvia gushed, "This is one of Juvia's favorite recipes, so she is glad Gray-sama likes it!"

Gray sweat dropped.


Well, one thing was for certain: Gray could always depend on Juvia for a good meal. Something he would have to keep in mind. He could make the girl smitten in the process, which would definitely get Erza off his case...

The remainder of the meal was mostly in silence, mostly due to the fact that Juvia was closely watching Gray's every move(to his discomfort).

The rest of the even was relatively 'normal'. The following day would not be.

•   •   •

"Gray-sama's fever has gotten worse!," Juvia cried out in alarm as she felt his flushed face.

"This is bad," she exclaimed, "Juvia must get Wendy! I'll be right back!"

Gray had no response, but continued to breathe heavily. How had he gotten worse? A slight sense of relief washed over him as he felt Juvia put a cool towel over his forehead. Anxiety pricked him as he listened to Juvia's rushed steps leave the house.

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