[Gajevy/Gale] Ringing Bells

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A/N: Two months since an update? Whoops!

The bells sang a sorrowful song on that cool spring morning, the beautiful Sakura trees in full bloom. The pink petals dance wildly in the wind as they blew softly past a blue haired maiden.

Levy's steps wobbled as she walked along the stone path, almost in time with the bells. She instantly regretted choosing to wear heels, but it was to late to turn back. Her composure wobbled even more than her steps, the pit in the bottom of her stomach curling feverishly. As she got closer to her destination, her throat grew thick with adversion. But was to late to turn back now. It was much to late.

Her heart seem to stop entirely when she arrived at the top of the hill, just as the bells ominously stopped ringing. She over looked the inviting meadow before her, eyes searching for any signs.

He stood right in the middle of the field, his back turned away in an almost taunting manner. Next to him stood the form of a small Panther, with his body language screaming anticipation.

Levy grinned as she took off down the field, forgetting any inhibitions.

Gajeel was back.

Levy could've sworn that she almost rolled her ankles three times as she sprinted towards the duo, eyes watering from the wind. Despite all of this, Levy was careful to not spill the contents of the picnic basket she was holding.


Levy left the basket on the ground as she jumped into her fiancé's arms, a smirking PanterLily at their side. What could he say? He and Gajeel had been gone for two months on a mission - with minimal contact. It's only natural that Levy would be worried about the safety of her future husband.

Levy stood on the tips of her toes to embrace Gajeel for only a moment longer before turning to scoop up PantherLily and embrace him too. Lily would have embraced her back, but he was being considerably crushed.

Gajeel watched Lily's disgruntled reaction with slight amusement before turning his attention to the basket at Levy's feet. He pointed to it with a quizzical expression on his face.

"Oi shrimp, what's that?"

Levy followed the direction of his finger to the basket before responding, "Oh," she released Lily from her death grip and picked the basket up, "I was thinking that we could eat out here, you know? Since it's a nice day and all..."

Gajeel's face grinned stretched at that. "That's a pretty good idea! Sharp thinking, shrimp."

"Yea," Lily quickly agreed, "We haven't had any good food since we left!"

Levy laughed at this. 

"Oh, is that so? I'm afraid I'm not the greatest cook myself, so..."

"Meh, whatever." PantherLily had already began to unpack the basket. Levy simply sighed before leaning down to join him.

"Gajeel, you help too, you big lug."


•   •   •

The gentle breeze enveloped the trio graciously as they sat in the meadow, enjoying the day. All was calm. All was well, but Levy couldn't say that she was entirely happy. Her eyes couldn't help but take notes of the seemingly new scars on Gajeel's arm as she laughed along, or the fact that both men still branded some lingering bandages. Just what had happened? There was no point in asking; Levy would never be told the full story. But that didn't mean that she couldn't at least try...

"So?," She suddenly asked, "How'd the mission go?"

Gajeel and Lily looked at each other with amused expressions at this, as if there was some sort of inside joke that she didn't know about. There probably was.

"Well," Lily responds, "Let's just say that Blue Pegasus isn't exactly fond of us anymore." He grinned cheekily as Gajeel snickered in the background. Levy sighed.

"What did you do this time?"


"This time! What do you mean 'this time?'"

"Gajeel, you know exactly what I mean!"

"No!", he retorted, " Just here me out! It wasn't us! We were in this big cave, you see..."

Levy bit back her smile of triumph as Gajeel continued his rant. She had actually gotten him to speak! She couldn't understand why he didn't share more with her with, she could handle it! She was a Mage too... and he neede to focus on keeping himself alive, not with holding information.

"...and then Hibiki had to go and be a dumbass and..."

Levy found her self giggling at Gajeel's story along with Lily's occasional offhand comment.

"Don't forget that Ichiya..."

•   •   •

"Well, with the exception of that whole Blue Pegasus fiasco, it sounds like the mission went pretty well!"

Levy decided to ignore the fact that both Gajeel and Liliy skipped over the part where the former had gleaned new scars, of the fact that death was a constant presence. She simply settled on the fact that no one had any long term injuries to speak of ... atleast none that she knew of. Whatever, she would find out sooner or later.

"Yup," Gajeel confirmed, "I've even got some new techniques to try out on salamander!"

Levy smiled as she threw him an 'I'd knew you'd say that look'. She stood up and brushed herself up.

"Of course you do..."

PantherLily snickered at this as he stood up and stretched.

"You have no idea."

"Is that a challenge Lily?"

"Oh hush, you," Levy berated Gajeel, "You just got back."

"Gihi." Said man lifted himself up off the ground. "Whatever. Let's go home."

"Ah, but we still have to clean u-"

"Nope," Gajeel began to steer Levy in the direction of their home, "We can get it tomorrow. It's not like anyone ever comes here. Look how far ahead Lily has gotten."

"Oh wow, he is far..."

As in, already on the horizon. Damn.

"It's getting late. What do you expect? Gihi."

A smile snaked up to Levy's lips at this. She could count on them to come home, at the very least. The were strong, so there was nothing to worrying about... she hoped.

Levy would wait as many days as she needed for them to return.

Even if there was no promise of their return, or if those gallows bells kept playing their ominous tune.

Death was something she would have accept.

A/N: Didn't end it on a very happy note, did I?

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