Innocent Stares (02)

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"I'm going to be forever alone," you sighed as your hand ran through your hair. Your friend sitting next to you smirked.

"I'm going to be a 40-year-old virgin." She explained and you laughed, rubbing your tired eyes.

"Let's be that together!" Your friend hit you lightly on the arm and you smiled cheekily. "I can't wait to graduate and start my life. Well, the life after high school." You felt yourself tense up though, part of you was still unsure of what you wanted to do and so life after high school scared you a little also. You would be on your own.

"I don't know," said your friend. "Getting a job is important, yes. Being in love isn't all that matters. Finding a partner? Is that really all we should be looking forward too?" She asked and you shrugged, leaning back in the desk chair.

No one was in class yet because your friend and you decided to come early. "I hate talking about this kind of stuff," you chuckled and your friend rose a brow.


Picking at your nail polish you thought about it. It was all the unknown that you couldn't stand; all the possibilities to either succeed or fail. The bell rang and you grabbed your books, following the crowd out of the room. Shuffling over to where your locker was, you felt a pair of brown eyes on you.

You knew who it was.

Turning around slowly you met his eyes, then quickly turned around. He was really looking at you. "Wait for me next time please." Your friend said as she held her lunch bag in her hand. You glanced at it and grabbed yours from your locker.

"Sorry." The whole lunch you could feel someone watching you.

Then came the end of the day, and you were waiting to get on the bus. It was the first time riding for you because every day you usually got picked up. As you stepped on the bus, your eyes traveled over the seats, there was only one open, in the way back. You walked towards it and sat down. The seats were long, so you could no longer see the front of the bus.

Taking out a book, you began to read, until you heard his voice. You scooted towards the corner of your seat, your shoulder leaned against the side of the bus. Please don't sit–"Can I sit here?" The pair of brown eyes stared down at you curiously. You felt your heartbeat quicken and you nodded, not able to form words.

He was sitting by you!

He turned his head and he watched as you had yours in a book. He chuckled, "You ride much, do you?" 

You rose your head and furrowed your eyebrows, but cleared your throat so your voice wouldn't come out weird. "This is my first time." You replied and his smile grew.

"I can tell." How could he? Did he ride everyday?

"Okay," you said instead of asking how. You wanted to talk to him, but you were afraid of saying something that would make him want to move away from you. Then again, you didn't want him to think you didn't like him, or that you were boring. Just talk to him (y/n). "Do you read?" You asked, then mentally face-palmed yourself. Of course he did, everyone reads.

He turned his attention back to you and scooted more into the seat. He was becoming comfortable with you. "When it's assigned," he said then sent you a wink. You laughed, but part of you felt awkward. The two of you have been staring at each other for so long, and now finally you were talking. Would he bring it up? Should you?

The bus slowed down suddenly and you looked out your window to see a white house outside, a little girl was running around with her mom. "This is my stop." He said before getting up and walking off the bus; you watched him with a feeling of sadness. You didn't get enough time to talk, you wanted more. You looked out the window and watched as he picked up the little girl and kissed her cheek, then hugged his mom, all of them heading into the house together.

Unconsciously, a smile found its way on your face as you went back to reading your book.

A/n: heyyy. Nice to see you back here. Okay, so I have some (sad or good) news, I don't know you can pick, for you guys.

I'm putting a hold on finishing (updating) this book.

Why? —because I have so much to worry about: work, school, keeping up socially with my friends, etc.

Thank you all for understanding, but I will probably still be updating 'The Companion Program' once in a while, so you can find me there. Or, if you haven't checked it out yet–do it!(:

I'm sorry guys, I just need to focus on a few things and then when summer rolls around (1 month and 2 weeks to go!), I'll be back updating! Can you wait for me?

I hope so!

Bye guys, thanks for the votes and comments! Love the support you give me.

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