Juan ran to the doorway, making sure his bell made noise. Kai's ears stood up and followed the sound. She walked forward following it, her hand touching the shelf beside her.

"How'd she know the shelf is there?" The shop owner asked, curiously.

"The sound from the bell is bouncing off the shelves and stuff the back to her. So she knows it's there."

"It's fuzzy." Kai answered. "I just 'see' shapes. I can't really tell what it is."

Chysolite followed them out and Juan walked a bit in front of them, allowing Kai to walk beside Chysolite without holding onto her. Kai smiled happily realizing she now had more independence.

This was short lived however when she tripped over a stone, though luckily Chysolite caught her.

Juan ran back. "I'm so sorry Kai, I should have warned you of the rock."

"Don't worry about it Juan. I'm fine. It's only practice at the moment." Kai answered. "And Chys is still here when I need her."

"As I'll always be." Chysolite smiled. "Can Fox bark?"

Juan yipped a bit.

"Do that when there's a rock or something small in the way so she knows to watch her step." Chysolite smiled.

Juan nodded his head so Chysolite could see before continuing onward. Kai followed the sound with Chysolite right beside her.

Chysolite pointed to the right and Juan stopped at the corner, allowing Kai to catch up before turning right and heading down the street with Kai following behind.

"I'm impressed. Usually it takes ages to teach a fox or even a dog how to do that. Lucky your mom found a smart one." Chysolite smiled. "What does he like for treats? I'll be sure to get him some."

"Meat is good."

"Anything with meat in it." Kai answered.

"Easy." Chysolite smiled. "To the town center to wait for your parents."

Kai nodded, though she still wasn't used to the idea that they were her parents. But they've been nothing but kind since she met them, so she guessed it wasn't the worst thing that could have happened.

They went to the town center and Juan guided them to a bench where he hopped up before moving to the side, allowing the sound of his bell to alert Kai that the bench was in front of her. When she sat, Chysolite sat beside her and Juan laid between them, his head on Kai's lap.

"How are you holding up?" Chysolite questioned.


"This many visions so close together can't be good for your brain."

"You get used to it." Kai shrugged. "It's been necessary, I'm just tired is all."

"Well, take a short nap then. You know I won't leave. Juan and I'll keep watch." Chysolite smiled.

Kai returned the soft smile and leaned her head on Chysolite's shoulder before closing her eyes. "Thank you."

"My pleasure." Chysolite answered.

After a half hour, Akeno and Mikky came over where the two of them smiled softly. "Whenever you two are ready."

Chysolite gently shook Kai awake where she yawned. "I'm awake."

"We're here." Mikky smiled. "Let's get moving."

"We'll camp early since Mikky shouldn't exert herself too much." Akeno offered.

The Fox and The Cat 2 (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now