We all looked at Keith, who looked better than a few moments ago- he actually looked normal. "But I don't shift" Keith reminded him.

The man shook his head. "Not yet. But I would like to run a few tests. I have studied enough to create a basic theory of how you will complete the hybrid process" he explained.

Keith looked to my mom for her approval again. This time, she shrugged. "It's up to you. If you don't want to do it, then you don't have to" she assured him. Keith looked at the doctor and nodded. "You're not going to do anything that will harm him" Mom demanded, narrowing her eyes at Dr. Nale.

He put his hands up in surrender and shook his head. "The injection was the only thing that would possibly hurt him" he told us. "But before I start tests, I'm sure you guys would like an explanation" We all nodded our heads. "Well, Keith is in fact Odin's son. I found some old things of Odin's; and I have been studying and memorizing every note and every plan that he has made. He was working with Malcom as you know. But Anthony was not part of the plan. Malcom originally wanted Anthony to be the hybrid- he thought a child hybrid would be useless. So he started his own plan with Anthony. That didn't work because his witch side dominated his wolf side, leaving him as a full witch. However, Malcom still shared all the information with Anthony; so after you killed him, Anthony took his spot in the plans. He kidnapped Audrey with the help of a witch named Leo"

"Naomi's husband" I muttered, accidentally interrupting him.

Dr. Nale nodded his head at me. "The plan was to create a bond between you and another witch. When that witch died, the magic would go into you. Obviously that didn't happen because they brought you back here. When you broke the bond between you and Keith, what happened was basically opposite of the plan. Bonds never break evenly. One is always left a little weaker. The weaker one is you, you're still stronger than the average wolf because you have Royal and Alpha blood. But you're weaker than your siblings. Keith however, got part of you. For lack of better words, he got a piece of werewolf. And that piece has been growing since you broke the bond"

We were quiet as we all soaked in the information- and it was a lot of information. Anthony was basically Malcom's failed experiment. Keith is the accidental success. "Bay" All of our heads snapped to the door as Riley came in, rubbing her eyes. I smiled at her, coaxing her to come towards me. "There's grown-ups here. They said that they know you and your mate" she informed me.

That put all of us on alert. "Sweetie, stay here with Lila. I'll be right back" I stated. Everyone followed me except Lila, Riley, Emily, and Keith. We got to the main hallway where a row of guards were making a protective wall, preventing people from going any deeper into the castle. I inhaled through my nose, recognizing the scents. "Let them through" I demanded. The guards parted, revealing Jesse, Sam, Sammie, and Ver. "You guys didn't tell us you were coming" I lightly scolded them, while giving them quick hugs.

Everyone shrugged except Jesse. "We were going to surprise you guys. You were gonna be so happy that you finally get to see us. I know you missed us so much and you were probably crying all night from being away from us. So we came to you" he stated.

"Where's Em?" Sammie asked, looking around at the group of us.

I cringed, not sure how Emily would react to them being here. Her best friends really ditched her for their mates. Thomas grabbed my hand and gave it a small squeeze. "She's in the living room. But fair warning, she's mad at you guys for dumping her" I stated.

The girls looked confused. "When you found your mates, you ignored her and spent all your time with your mates" I told the girls. "And you two-" I pointed at Jesse and Sam. "Disregarded all your work. I understand that you were glad to find each other. But you can't just drop everything. It's been almost two weeks and I know for a fact that Stewart has been picking up your slack"

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