Chapter 1

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Ashton's POV:

I absolutely despise this place I've come to know as my shitty home. I've been in foster care since I was just a little girl. I remember having siblings, I think, but that could just be my imagination. The last time I saw them I was just a scared little four year old. I remember mommy telling me to stand by the door and be a good little girl. I stood there as the rain poured down, clutching my little teddy bear for dear life, all while trying not to cry. I looked up at the stars as my mommy drove away with my siblings... at least... I think I had siblings...

I had an accident when I was seven. I don't remember the accident itself, just the story I was told about it. Supposedly I was hit by a truck when we were walking out of the hospital. I rolled over and glanced at the clock on the wall. 6:30. Time to get up and get ready. Two guys should be here around noon. One of them is wanting to adopt. I threw my blanket off me and quietly shuffled into the bathroom. I had already laid out my outfit last night, that way I could get a head start this morning.

I felt extremely clean after my shower, which made me feel better. I wrapped a towel around myself and brushed my teeth. I had just gotten on my jeans when I heard a knock at the door. "One moment," I said as I clasped my bra. Before I could put my sweater on the door opened and Shelby was in front for me. She grabbed me by my throat, her nails digging in, but not enough to break the skin. "Listen here you worthless bitch, I am getting adopted today. You're gonna stand there and look ugly like you always do. You're a dirty little whore and no one wants you."

I fought back the urge to cry as well as the urge to kick her ass. No. Be strong Ashton. If you let her anger you, then you've given her control over you. I shrugged my shoulders and pushed her off, pulling my light grey sweater on. Shelby scoffed and walked out. Good. I let out a breath I didn't realize I had been holding in. I looked at my reflection in the mirror. Still fat. Still ugly. At least I'm smart. I gently brushed out my hair before parting it. I applied my makeup, going in for a nude look. I then added a wing to my eyeliner. I checked my phone. 8:15. Seems about right. I quickly left the bathroom and headed to the closet I shared with Shelby. I always kept my side of the closet nice and neat, while Shelby's tended to be a mess. I went in and straightened both sides out. That took an hour. I smiled to myself as I glanced around. The closet looked good. I spent the next 2 hours cleaning the rest of our room.

In the process of cleaning I found my box of blades. Oh the temptation. Before I could tempt myself further I was being summoned. I stashed the box and quickly went down stairs, stopping to see two male figures. One of them had the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. The way the light reflected made me melt. His eyes bore into my soul when he wasn't even looking directly at me. I could only imagine how they'd feel if they connected with mine. A shiver went down my spine and I blushed as I realized he had caught me staring. "Aaron, these are the girls you have to choose from."

He smiled and shook both our hands before introducing blue eyes. "Girls, this is Seth. He's my best friend and you'll be living with the both of us. Mrs. Morgan decided today we could take you both out to decide who to adopt."

As we walked out the door and to the Range Rover I felt a knot built in my stomach. Fear. This has happened many times and they've all gone wrong. Anyone who knows me knows I'm scared right now, even though I look calm. I don't show my emotions much. "Can we go to the mall?" Shelby asked, I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at her. "Sounds good to me, Seth?" Aaron spoke up. "I'm down. Ashton?" I just nodded silently. My heart pounded in my chest. The last time someone took me out for the day to see if they wanted me, it didn't go well. I cringed as I thought of what happened. Shelby was droning on about how she loves the mall, so I put my earbuds in and shuffled my playlist.

We parked on the side so we could go straight to the food court. According to Shelby you can't shop on an empty stomach. I pulled my earbuds out and put my phone in the back pocket of my jeans. I gently closed the door and followed the others. Shelby was walking side by side with Aaron talking about herself again. Seth slowed down to walk beside me. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm good. Just tired, I got up really early this morning." He smiled, "Well maybe some Chinese will make you feel better?" I felt my face light up, "Oh gosh I haven't had Chinese in years." Before he got the chance to speak Aaron told us to hurry up.

The inside of the mall smelled so good. Seth wanted Chinese and so did I, so we went over to the Chinese vendor, he ordered sweet and sour chicken and steamed rice with vegetables, I ordered sesame chicken with shrimp fried rice and a sweet roll. When I tried to pay for my part he refused and put the money on the counter. "Seth, let me pay you back please, you didn't have to do that," I begged. I didn't want him spending his money on someone as worthless as me. He refused. I gave up as we sat down with Aaron and Shelby. I tried not to laugh as I saw that Shelby was eating a salad while Aaron had a big ass burger and fries. I ate a couple forkfuls of rice and a few pieces of chicken. I took a bite of my roll as well and then I was done. Can't afford to get fat again. I shivered. Everyone else was done eating already so I let them know I was finished. "But you barely ate," Seth pointed out. "I had a uh, big breakfast this morning. Not that hungry." He and Aaron exchanged glances before they decided to walk around with us for a bit. The first place Shelby wanted to go to was to Sephora and Ulta. I rolled my eyes, of course she wants to look for makeup. So we went into Sephora. Shelby got some lipstick and a new foundation. After she paid for her new makeup we headed to Ulta. She got new eye shadows here. Fun.

"Where do you wanna go?" Seth asked me. "I honestly wanna go to Hot Topic." He smiled before looking at Aaron, "We're gonna head over to Hot Topic, I need some new band tees." Aaron told Seth that we could just go back to the car when we got done, so I assume he has a spare key. The sound of "In the End" by Black Veil Brides playing caught my attention. I smiled as I strolled in the door, stopping first to look at band tees. I got a Fall Out Boy shirt in my size and headed to the hats. They had a Shinedown beanie and I grabbed that as well. Chokers. The last one I had got broken when the last guy... "Hey, nice beanie choice," Seth said. I jumped, "Thanks, you scared me." He laughed and apologized. Once everything had been paid for we headed back to the car. I sat in the back seat and Seth slid in next to me.

I blushed, why is he sitting back here with me? He pulled his phone out and took a selfie with me, posting it to his Snapchat with the caption "Had a great day at the mall with this beauty" which made me blush. I bit my lip as I thought. Aaron opened the door and got in the driver's seat, Shelby getting shotgun this time. "Everyone have fun?" He asked. "Definitely, thank you for today," I answered. Soon enough we were being dropped off and sent to our room to wait on the verdict.

About 10 minutes later there was a knock at our door, assuming it was Mrs. Morgan, I said to come in. It was not. It was Seth. "Hey, you need help?" He asked me. I rose an eyebrow and he said, "You gotta pack, don't you want some help?" I was about to accept the offer, but Shelby interjected, "I'm gonna help her. Thanks though." And with that he left.

This is the rewrite I promised you guys. Next chapter should be up soon!
Word count: 1521

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