Chapter 7: Days in Hospital

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A month later. Hospital. Krystal's POV.

After the endless hours of practices, I grab a chance to rushed to Hospital without my manager's knowledge, of course. I owe the members a big time as they promised to cover up for me, again. Making sure that no reporters or cameras are recording me, I quickly ran to Kai's room.

"How's him?"

As usual, my question was always be answered by a shaking heads or a frown. I slightly frowned too, feeling disappointed. I know I shouldn't put my hope too high. I just wish he could wake up any sooner. I can't bear another day seeing him half-dead in here. It's suffocating ㅡ It's hurting my heart.

But, I keep telling myself that it's okay. I just have to be strong and keep supporting him. After all, it's my fault that Kai became like this. I have to take responsibility of what I've done. I'll take care of Kai until he was fully healed. I promise.

I will always be waiting patiently. Even if it takes an eternity,

I'll wait for you, Kai.


Hospital. Author's POV.

"Heartbeat is normal, which is a good thing. There's more likely that he will wake up soon," the doctor stated as he scribbled something on the clipboard, "We all need to pray for him to fight harder to wake up again." The doctor smiled at us friendly.

Kris nodded, "Thank you, doctor."

"Alright." Was the last word the doctor said before he walked away.

It has already been more than two months since Kai was lying on the bed soullessly. Somehow, it's hurts every members that they have to disabled Kai in every concerts due to his condition. And for the sake of the EXO fans, they would still be performing on stage but, minus Kai.

On the other hand, Krystal, never leave Kai's side and was never bored to had waiting for him to blink an eyes open.

Everynight, she would sleep with seeing Kai in her dreams that make her become sleepless and guilty. Since then, her nights was only filled with hurtful tears of guilt.. and regrets.

Only the memories of her with Kai accompanied her and sometimes, those little memories kept her smiling and misses Kai more.

Krystal sits on the chair beside Kai's bed as her hand held onto his cold hand, warming it up by rubbing it lightly. "Hi, Jongin. It's me again, Krystal," she plastered a sad smile, ruffling his hair softly with her free hand. "How are you doing today? Did you still hurt anywhere? Your wounds healed so fast though but it also left some scars. Aigoo, I'm sure your fans won't like to see this flaws on your handsome face." she talks and laughs as if Kai is in front of her. As if there's nothing happened between them.

Yet, she was breaking inside.

Right inside her chest.

"Kim Jongin, please wake up now," She was uncontrollably sobs, "I miss you so much."

The tears that she held back since then finally flowing free down to her pinkish cheeks. A tear fell into Kai's forearm, wetting it and without noticing, she's finally drifting off to sleep with her head buried in her arms, a hand still gripping on Kai's.


Meanwhile. Somewhere. Kai's POV.

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