"Mhmm," I mocked her. "So you've been watching me?"

"No, I've just heard some things about your little group of friends."

"What have you heard?"

"Good and bad."

"Tell me about both," I hammered.

She smirked. "Nothing that I'm sure you don't already know. I don't know much, just except when I was younger everybody in the neighborhood used to look up to y'all. I mean, King always riding around in the freshest cars with Sincere always by his side. Now, I remember they'd fight like cats and dogs and everybody around the neighborhood used to laugh about it, but then as soon as you'd laugh at them for fighting and abusing each other so much, they'd be stepping out looking like the strongest, happiest couple you'd see. And I remember coming in here when I was younger, when Tina used to own the place, and I remember seeing this HUGE fight between Sincere and King's baby mama, Kay."

I laughed. Sincere and I always laughed about that time Kay walked her raggedy ass up in here trying to get Sincere to do her hair because Effrin sent her. And then once Sincere said the wrong thing to her, Kay threw all the money Effrin gave to her in Sincere's face and me, Sin and Dawn all went shopping and out to eat that night with the money.

"You were here?"

She nodded her head. "Mhmm. I was just like 13 or 14 back then and I remember it. I remember how much money was all over the floor. And I remember always wanting that much money for myself. I remember seeing all of y'all riding around in the newest cars, sporting the newest gear and always being iced out. You don't see that shit around here no more, but when y'all used to run these streets, nobody could touch y'all. It's just a wonder what became of them."

"Who?" I asked.

"Sincere and King. I mean, King was around with his clubs and shit but he just sorta disappeared. You know, went off the radar. I used to see Sincere around here but I don't even see her that much anymore. You still talk to them?"

"Yeah, I do. They're really private with their lives now. And I can understand why they wouldn't wanna come back to Compton. This place had some good memories for all of us but sometimes the bad just always seems to out weigh the good, for them at least. I always had a good time down here and I still do. I just wish Sincere could've come back one more time before she left," I shook my head.

"Where'd she go?"

I sighed. "She was killed Friday night."

"Really? I'm so sorry. If you don't mind me asking, what happened to her?"

I shrugged my shoulders, even though I knew EJ killed her. It's none of my business to go around spreading. If I start spreading their business, then everybody around the city will know, and once everybody around the city knows how easy it was to hurt King and Sincere, everybody will be trying to get their pick at them since they burned so many bridges with people in the past. And I want Kamry to tell me everything she knows about it before I go running my mouth too much.

"Ion know. King's really been keeping it private."

"Damn. I can't even imagine what he's going through."

"Yeah," I agreed, even though I'm sure it's harder on me. I've known Sincere since I was 15 years old. She was 18 at the we met but we still shared some great memories with each other. She's my best friend.

"I can't even imagine what I'd feel like if my ex was killed right now. We're not together anymore but we did have a son and we did have some great times with each other but I just can't imagine him being dead. I don't tell him often but he means the world to me, him and our son Willie."

So Far Gone (Urban) Book 8 | The Sideline SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now