Chapter 5

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I woke up in my pj's curled up in my bed.

Weird dream, funny I don't remember getting into bed yesterday.

The warm sun streamed in through the blinds of my trailer windows.

I stretched and climbed out of my bed, looked in the mirror, and realized I had slept with my heavy show makeup still caked to face.

Ugh this cannot be good for my skin,

I thought to myself as I reached under the sink for my box of makeup wipes.

After jumped in the shower, brushed my teeth, and put on some light makeup, I changed into a pair of black jeans, a blue top and my combat boots.

I slid open my bedroom door and stepped into my kitchen/living room area to get a bowl of cereal.

As I grabbed a bowl from the cabinet, I saw my guardian Tina through the window of her trailer, making breakfast, she smiled at me, I waved then continued making my cereal.

A green glint caught the corner of my eye.

I turned and saw it, on my table, on top of a piece of paper.

The green ring from my dream.

I picked it to examine it.

I slid it on my ring finger, a perfect fit.

I guess it wasn't a dream after all.

Wait, am I actually wanting to believe this crazy shit?

A note?

I picked it up.

No child,

It wasn't a dream.

Your a traveler now, so act like it.

This ring will only work for you.

Picture the parallel you wish to go, then turn the ring clockwise.

The ring will need time to charge between trips, the charge time will vary between each trip.

Live your dream.


P.S. your since your essence was not created in whatever universe you choose visit, it cannot be destroyed.

In other words you cannot die.

I hope I remembered everything, good luck!

I set down the letter.

No way!

I grinned, took a deep breath, closed my eyes and pictured where I wanted to be, then I turned the ring.

After another deep breath, I opened my eyes....

And I was still in my trailer.

Well Roxanne that's what you get for getting your hopes up and believing delusional trespassers.

suddenly I was surrounded by green smoke.

I felt a falling sensation.

I fell down hard on my ass, I opened my eyes....

And I was sitting on the pavement,

In the middle of New York City!

Times Square to be exact.

I mean Iv never been there, but Iv seen enough movies to know.

I looked down at my ring,

The color of the gem had gone from a bright emerald to a dark almost black shade of green.

The energy must need time to recharge.

To bad "the patron god of travelers"

Couldn't have been a bit more specific.

I put my hands to my head.

Here I was sitting in the middle of New York, in what I believed to be the parallel of the Turtles universe.

People not even noticing me as they passes by.

Wait, how did I know I was in a parallel earth?

How do I know I wasn't just knocked out and dumped in NYC?

Adrenaline starting to pump,

I stood up and began walking.

I didn't have a direction in mind,

But I guess you can't get lost if you don't know where you are going.

Boy was I wrong.

It was almost sundown and I had no idea what I was doing, or where I was.

Buildings everywhere and no natural grass in sight!

I came into a poorer neighborhood.

That's when it hit me what a bad idea this was.

Sure she said I couldn't die, but there are a lot more worse things a psychopath could do to you then just kill you.

God Roxanne, you are such an idiot!

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