Chapter 23 - Hanging Around

Start from the beginning

Percy ran through the black marble corridors, seeing monsters looming in his path to freedom. He ran at them, intending to cut them down, but they merely moved out of his way, bowing respectfully as they did. He blinked in confusion, looking around for something, but he had no clue what it was. Until he heard a shout of, "Percy!"

He spun, drawing his sword out of the sheathe at his waist – since when did he have his sword back? – and levelled it at his attacker. The he saw the face of an old friend, and his jaw dropped. "Luke?" He exclaimed in shock.

The dead son of Hermes grinned, the scar down his right eye stretching. "Come on," he called, gesturing Percy over. "Kronos is going to want you there."

"Where?" Percy asked, even as he had a gut feeling that he wasn't going to like the answer.

"Olympus, duh," Luke said as he rolled his eyes. "You've got to represent," he said as he slung an arm over Percy's shoulders – which were broader than he remembered. "You're a Titan. Kronos is going to want you there at the end of Olympus!"

Percy stared at him blankly for several moments as he processed what Luke had said. "I'm a WHAT?" He cried as he twisted out of Luke's grip.

Luke frowned. "Don't you remember?" He asked curiously. "You-" Percy suddenly felt a shock run through him and spun around, sensing eyes watching him. He tensed as he saw the Titan King approaching him, and the Black Fortress around him faded away as Percy's eyes shot open.

Percy blinked rapidly as he saw the now familiar, but unwelcome, view of the throne room of Othrys beneath him through the bars of the cage he was in. He was pretty sure the Titans got a kick out of having him swinging from the ceiling in a bird cage, and of course the fact that his hands were tied together in front of him and if Kronos wanted then the floor of the cage would open up. Percy had been woken up several times by suddenly feeling himself falling through the air and it would take him several seconds to get his bearings back, and rediscover that he wasn't in fact falling through Zeus' domain and about to get zapped.

He tensed as he realised why he'd woken up. His senses had become honed to recognise Kronos' presence and as he expected when the door opened, Kronos strode through, flanked by Hyperion and Atlas and his four other brothers behind them. Iapetus and Krios were the only ones that took any notice of Percy hanging above them, and glanced up at him regretfully. Percy scowled and turned to study Kronos. Since arriving at Othrys the Titan King had seemed even stronger than he was down in Tartarus, and he now had the power of the Pit underneath him and waiting for a sign to attack. Though at the same time Percy had noticed that thin scars were appearing over his body, the resulting damage from Zeus' attack so long ago.

"-here for a long is necessary," Koios was saying. "The gods don't have a clue. They think we've gone off the continent somewhere. We're hiding right under their noses."

"The sooner we attack the less prepared they'll be!" Hyperion exclaimed.

"They can be as prepared as they need to be," Kronos said smoothly. "Our armies shall tear through theirs with no struggle. Olympus will fall, that I swear to you."

"Perhaps we should call the army up now," Krios suggested. "They'll be in position for any attack that might come."

Atlas glared at him. "You only want to attract the gods' attention."

"Isn't that want we do best?" Krios retorted. "Destroy things?"

Atlas moved to take his javelin off his back, but Kronos quickly stopped him. "I will have no ichor spilled in my throne room," he said sharply.

Atlas scowled as he released the javelin. "As you wish, my Lord," he said unhappily.

Percy let out a cynical snort, barely managing to hold his tongue, but Iapetus seemed to have no problem with speaking his mind. "No ichor? Well then what would you call Perseus' blood?"

Kronos frowned at Iapetus. "His wellbeing is of no consequence to you," he said coldly. "Hold your tongue, brother," he sneered. "Before you say something you'll regret."

Iapetus drew himself up. "Like what?" He ground out. "Saying that you're a psychopathic murder? I've already said that. Lots of times."

"Out," Kronos hissed. "Now. Get out of my throne room."

Iapetus' jaw clenched and he spun around, stalking out of the room before he punched his King in the face. Krios' eyes were narrowed as he watched, and then he cleared his throat. "With your leave, my King? Else I fear I shall follow Iapetus' example."

"Go," Kronos said, jerking his head towards the massive doors. Krios bowed stiffly before following his brother from the throne room.

Oceanus smirked as the doors shut. "I'm surprised you didn't just prevent them from reforming," he said as he turned to his youngest brother. "You definitely had the power to after Tartarus' death. Their presence will only be disruptive."

"I have my plans for the future all laid out, Oceanus," Kronos said. "And they are needed. As is Perseus." Percy tensed as Kronos spoke. "Their help towards the end will be irrefutable. Besides, I wish to keep an eye on them so they don't go running off to help Olympus."

"But threatening the mortal that Krios is so fond of?" Koios asked. "That was not the wisest course of action, my Lord."

"I was necessary," Kronos reminded him. "It is the only way he will help, and Iapetus will not dare to openly fight us without Krios."

"You're keeping them unable to fight together," Hyperion realised.

Kronos chuckled. "Yes. They will not rebel without the other, and Krios will not dare now. That keeps Iapetus subservient. They will willingly help at the end of the war. I am sure of it." Percy shut his eyes as they continued, sliding down the side of the cage to sit on the floor. He leaned his head back, looking up at the ceiling as he tried to get some sleep.

It must have been at least an hour later that his eyes shot open as he felt himself falling through the air. He heard the now familiar sound of the metal flaps at the bottom of his cage clanging as they reached the end of their hinges. Then the tug on his wrists as the rope he was hanging from pulled taught and he was dangling several feet off the floor. He craned his neck to look up at the cage high above him, and then forward at the expectant Titan Lord. Kronos smiled savagely as he saw Percy's fear show in his eyes, and Percy screamed as the pain restarted after ending during the previous day.

Confused by Time (Percy Jackson fanfic) (currently being rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now