Chapter 23

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Milky Way/Sol System/Earth/Vancouver/Alliance Station

Earth year: 2183 CE

Three years later as he was packing his belongings from the Tokyo and headed home for a much needed and much deserved shore leave, he was interrupted by the sound of approaching footsteps.

"Alenko? Alenko!" Came the voice of a young marine, fresh from basic training. "Hello? Is there a Lieutenant Alenko here?"

"Over here." He called, zipping his bag closed and turning to face the soldier. A wry smile formed as the picture he'd formed in his mind matched what now appeared before him.

An earnest young man with close cropped blonde hair and crisply pressed fatigues marched up to him. He was clean shaven and flushed, likely from the trek here, Kaidan mused.

"Sir!"T he boy said, snapping off a salute and staring at a point above Kaidan's head. Despite the uniform it was obvious he was young and untested, given his rigid posture and serious expression. "Lieutenant Alenko?"

"At ease soldier." Kaidan said, the boy's nervous energy coming off him in waves.

"Yes sir!" He replied, not changing his posture."Sorry to bother you sir, but this is for you." He continued, handing him a data-pad.

"Any particular reason this wasn't sent via omni-tool?" He asked, puzzled.

"No idea sir!" The boy barked, his gaze still fixed on the wall behind Kaidan. "Was ordered to bring this to you ASAP sir. Captain Anderson's orders sir."

"Thank you marine." Kaidan said, finding the boy's demeanour irritating. "Dismissed."

"Sir! Yes sir!" He barked again. Snapping off another salute, he turned on his heel and marched off.

Kaidan shook his head, that boy better learn how to relax soon, he thought. Otherwise he was going to end up irritating the hell out of his next commanding officer. Turning his attention back to the data-pad, he wondered what Anderson had in store for him this time.

After all these years, he'd grown to deeply respect Anderson. At every opportunity, he'd never failed to point him in the right direction.

Whether he was offering him assignments that would increase his experience or provide him new skills in diplomacy and stealth, to diplomatically insisting he take shore leave, ensuring he wouldn't succumb to the effects of burn-out. No matter what, Anderson had always had his back.

Guessing the message he now held was of a sensitive nature, he decided to wait until he got home before he opened it. Pocketing the data-pad, he departed the Tokyo and hailed a cab. Curiosity got the better of him though and he began reading while still in transit.

First Lieutenant Alenko,

Kaidan, you are hereby promoted to Staff Lieutenant and ordered to report for duty aboard the SSV Normandy SR-1 at 0800 hours Monday morning.

Captain David Anderson, Systems Alliance Military, SSV Tokyo

PS. As I'm sure you're aware, the Normandy is a prototype vessel. All knowledge of its design and construction is highly classified. It's currently in dry-dock at Arcturus Station so you'll need to take a transport shuttle. I will be taking command of this ship as her Captain and have been tasked with choosing my crew. As you are already slated for shore leave - enjoy it, you'll be joining me andt he rest of my team for the Normandy's shake down cruise. I will be forwarding you a copy of the ship's crew manifest within the next two days.

Well that was surprising, Kaidan thought, closing the message. Once home, he took a shower and caught himself in a moment of deja vu as he recalled his dramatic change of career 10 years before.

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