Chapter 16 - (1.8K Words)

Start from the beginning

"Hold on tight."

* * * *

"Yugyeom, are we almost there?" You quietly asked, not wanting to break his concentration. It was now 3:14, and you were most definitely late. You were still speeding down the road. You were lucky there weren't any other cars, otherwise you might get in an accident.

Outside the car, it was raining. The raindrops were hitting the windshield as hard as they possibly could. You could hardly see the land around you now, and looking at the road was getting harder and harder. You were surprised at how good Yugyeom was dealing with driving in such a downpour.

"Yeah, it should be just around the corner," Yugyeom said, keeping his eyes on the road. He stole a couple of quick glances in all of the mirrors, and then turned left, onto a desolate country road.

It wasn't long before you could make out a grove of trees. Hidden behind the trees were two more black SUVs. You felt the car start to slow down, and you looked at Yugyeom. His face was blank as he turned into the clearing between the trees. Something didn't feel quite right to you.

Everything's going to be okay...right?

You kept quiet as he rolled the car into the clearing. He parked opposite the two other SUVs, and you both unbuckled your seatbelt. You sat there, listening to the pitter-patter of the rain on the glass. Yugyeom reached into the backseat and grabbed a folded up umbrella.

"(Y/N), whatever happens, Mark and I will be okay, alright?" Yugyeom said, flashing you an unusually bright smile.

"Yugyeom, what's going to happen?" You nervously asked, watching as seven different car doors opened.

"(Y/N), I am going to walk you to the center of the clearing, and then one of them will take you, okay," he said, still unnaturally calm. "No matter what you hear, you will keep walking and you will not look back, do you understand me?"

"Yugyeom, tell me what--"

"I asked if you understood me," Yugyeom barked.

"Y-yes." You shrank back against the seat.

"Good," Yugyeom said, as he opened his door. You sat and watched as seven men came to stand at the edge of the clearing, in front of the two SUVs.

Your door opened, and Yugyeom offered you his hand. He had opened the umbrella, and he was holding it over the edge of the car door, to keep you dry. His hair was already plastered to his forehead because of the rain. You let him take your hand and lead you out of the vehicle.

You slowly walked to meet the seven men at the other edge of the clearing. Yugyeom made sure to keep you under the umbrella, and you silently thanked him for it.

You stopped a good distance away from them, and waited for them to move. There was one other man that had an umbrella, and he slowly stepped forward. As he got closer, you could see that it was Jimin.

"You're late," you looked up, and you saw Namjoon leaning on the hood of one of the cars. "And you're missing Mark?"

"Mark is in the backseat," Yugyeom said, motioning with his head to the car. "I can go and fetch him if you'd like."

"Don't worry about it, I bet he'll be out here soon enough," Namjoon said, snapping his fingers. Yoongi and Jin started walking towards you. You watched as they passed by you, and headed for the car.

"Long time no see, (Y/N)," you heard Jimin's singsong voice. "Why don't you come with me, I'll take you to the car." He held out his umbrella, and you stepped underneath it. You looked at Yugyeom one last time before Jimin put his arm around you.

Jimin walked you across the clearing, and you watched as the rest of the boys went one by one to join Jin and Yoongi. The last one to leave was Namjoon, who was still resting on the side of the car. He slowly sauntered up to where you and Jimin were standing.

"Did you get hurt at all?" Namjoon scanned your figure, and you kept your eyes to the ground. He grabbed the tips of your fingers, and inspected your hands for any scrapes. He peeked over your shoulder, and made sure that none of your clothes were tattered.

"No, I'm fine. I'm not hurt," you said, desperately hoping that he wouldn't find anything.

He gently placed his hand on your shoulder, and you winced in pain. You hadn't realized it, but your shoulders hurt from when you had been slammed against the wall by G Dragon. You quickly shook his hand off, hoping he hadn't noticed anything, but it was too late.

"You shouldn't lie to me, Princess," Namjoon growled, causing you to shrink back into Jimin. "I could see the scratches on your palms and the dirt on the back of your shirt."

"Jimin, take her to the car now. We'll deal with them," Namjoon said, shoving past you," and you can deal with her however you'd like."

"Alright, then. You have fun now," Jimin said, discarding the umbrella, picking you up off of your feet and carrying you towards the car.

"Put me down!" You yelled as you hit Jimin's back with your fists. You kicked your legs around, and tried to wriggle away from him. You weren't getting anywhere, but you didn't give up. You had to get away from him somehow.

"Relax and enjoy the show for a second," Jimin laughed. "It's going to be over fairly soon."

You whipped your head back, and you saw Mark and Yugyeom down on their knees. Mark was coughing up something dark red. You watched in terror as the six men began closing in on them. You started struggling harder, and you could feel yourself start to slide out of Jimin's grip. He was having a hard time controlling you now, but you still couldn't get away from him.

Desperate times call for desperate measures, right?

You threw your head down, and bit his earlobe as hard as you could. All of a sudden, you were falling. Jimin's hands flew up to where you had bit him, and he stumbled back in the opposite direction. You landed a mud puddle, and mud splashed everywhere, covering you. But that didn't matter now, you were free from Jimin.

You immediately picked yourself up, and you ran towards the circle of men. The world around you seemed to slow down. You watched as Namjoon and Jin each pulled a gun from their coats. You ran as fast as you could. You could see Namjoon's lips moving, and you could tell he was saying something. You could feel the rain beating against your face. You watched as their fingers moved towards the triggers.

You broke through the circle, and you felt like your skin was being ripped apart. All the strength left your body, and you fell to the ground.

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