Chapter| 17

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Jean's P.O.V~

This was a mistake. How can I set up Eren with such an asshole?
Levi's so stupid too. It's obvious that Eren still likes Levi. Besides, Eren and I are suppose to be having space between us. This is awful.

As I walk down an empty hallway, I hear my name being called. I turn around and see Levi walking calmly towards me. "Yeah?" I say turning back around and continue walking. "Hey! I am your captain. Do not treat me with disrespect, Kristein!"

With a roll of eyes, I turn and shoot him a amusing smile. "You're actually not my captain. Nice try, Ackerman." He raises an eyebrow and crosses his arm. "I may not be you're squad captain, but I still have enough authority to kick your ass out of here." I frown, realizing he was right. I wait for him and walk with him by my side.

"So, what did the brat say?" I snort and shake my head. "I haven't talked to him yet." He snaps his head towards me. "What? Why not?" I sigh and run a hand over my face. "Because, I'm trying to get over him." I say, frustrated. "Me talking to him isn't going to help anything!" He snickers. "Whatever. Just make sure you don't screw it up." He then starts walking in the other direction. I roll my eyes. What an asshole.


"You know, Jean, I think we're doing well with this friend thing. It's better than when we were trying to rip each others face off."
I nod at Eren. "More like trying to suck each others face off." I mumble under my breath. Eren turns a confused head. "Sorry, what?" I act as if I have no idea what he's talking about. "Hmm? I didn't say anything." He looks confused, but shakes his head and moves on to another topic. "So, you said you wanted to talk to me about something?"

I nod and smile at him. He smiles back with that smile I can never get tired of seeing. This is really unhealthy. Seeing him again. I told him I was okay with us talking again as friends, but it's killing me inside. I've brought him to the eating room to tell him what Levi told me. I know it's wrong to do that, but I don't really give a shit about Levi and I can't keep secrets from Eren. "Yeah, You still like Levi, right?" He seems surprised at the question, but nods anyways. "Well, since you're my best friend, I'm going to go ahead and tell you this." I clear my throat and notice the curiosity in his eyes. I chuckle. Hasn't he ever heard of 'Curiosity killed the cat'? "Yeah, but satisfaction brought it back." Eren states proudly. My eyes widen. "Did I say that out loud?" Eren nods and giggles. "Yeah, you kinda did."

We start to laugh quietly to each other. "Anyways. Levi wants to get with you. He thinks he lost his chance and he's wanting to get you back. He wants me to make up this plan to make you two fall in love or whatever." He froze and stopped smiling. I raise an eyebrow at him and wait for his reaction. He just stares at me, speechless.

I kind of got lost in his eyes, so I looked away and coughed awkwardly. He snapped out of his little trance and gave me a apologetic smile. "Sorry. I just-"
"Don't know what to think about him?" I tell him. He nods at me and I chuckle at him. "I do like him, but it just seems wrong to move right on to a new relationship after ours." He says, looking down at the table. Aw, shit. Now, he's making me feel bad. "Hey, Eren." He looks up at me slowly with watery eyes. My heart tugs, but I also want to laugh at how sensitive he is. "Technically, we weren't in a relationship. And, I want you to move on with Levi."

He shakes his head and starts to cry. I sigh and go to his side to hug him. I put an arm around his waist and he leans his head on my shoulder. "What's wrong, Eren?" I whisper to him, while playing with his hair. "I just don't want you to be alone." He sniffles. My eyes are on the brink of tears and I don't know why. "I'm not going to be alone." I choke out with a shaky voice. "I'll see if I can make it out with Marco." I smile at the thought and look down at Eren. He sniffles again and I gently pinch his side. He giggles softly and sighs happily. "Okay."

"See, everything will turn out okay." I say as I begin to move away from him. "Where are you going?" He asks with a slight frown.

I smirk at him. "I'm going to plan a secret date with you and Levi."


I walk out of the lunchroom and spot Marco out of the corner of my eye. I bite my lip and decide to just walk over there. He notices me walking his way in the hallway and stops. "Hey, Jean." He waves at me and I wave back. "Hey, Marco. Where are you heading?" I stop in front of him and smile. "Oh, I'm just heading out to the barn for some fresh air." He looks down nervously and I can't help but to stare out of fondness. I need to get Eren out of my head. Marco is probably the only one who could get Eren out of my head. I need to do this. I need to get over Eren.

"Do you mind if I join you?"

I'm so sorry guys. This chapter is short. Again, I'm sooo sorry. This chapter sucks. I haven't updated and that's because life sucks and I've been busy. I'm am soooo fucking sorry. Please don't hate me.
Thank you guys for being patient.

~Please vote, so I can know you guys enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing this! <3

Hope you enjoyed!

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